Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs

Publication Date



Through the efforts of the Commercial Club and citizens of Alva, Oklahoma, a Normal School was founded in that town by the Legislative Assembly of 1897. Athletic interest sprang up with the organization of the school. Physical culture was considered important enough to become a required element in the curriculum of the Preparatory Department. Intramurals were established in 1899, consisting of competition between two organizations, the Occidents and the Orients, from which few students were exempt.

A degree in physical education was offered beginning in 1930 by Northwestern State Teachers College. Since that time, many changes have occurred in the physical education curriculum, facilities, and faculty. What are these changes? What changes occurred in the student organizations which supported various aspects of the physical education program? An attempt was made to answer these and other questions in this work.

Document Type




Degree Name

Physical Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Lloyd Robert Burley

Second Committee Member

Woodrow Wilson Clements

Third Committee Member

Armond H. Seidler
