Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this descriptive research was twofold. The investigator wanted to test objectively the attitudes of the preadolescent child toward art. (The term ''preadolescent ', as well as other terms associated with and peculiar to the field of the present research paper, are defined in the glossary of terms on page 164-166.) One of the main problems was finding a valid objective test. Research was done in the field of the semantic differential instrument. After long and intensive study, it was decided to use this instrument on a preadolescent group. The results of the data obtained in this investigation indicated that the semantic differential instrument is very flexible, can serve a useful purpose in the field of art education, and can be used with children very satisfactorily.
Historical Background
June McFee, one of the leading authorities in the field of art education today, has emphasized the fact that there is a definite need for the investigation of attitudes of all age groups toward art.
Elliot Eisner, who regularly contributes authoritative articles to the journal Studies in Art Education, also stresses the need for serious research to determine the student's concept of art.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Alexander Simeon Masley
Second Committee Member
James Gordon Cooper
Third Committee Member
Matthew C. Bathoush
Recommended Citation
Carnohan, Nancy. "An Initial Evaluation Of A Sixth Grade Group'S Attitude Toward Art Using A Semantic Differential Instrument.." (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/124