Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-29-2020
Traumatic brain injury is a worldwide epidemic and currently there is no successful treatment to combat the cognitive deficits sustained from a mmTBI. The goal of this analysis is to determine if active tDCS paired with cognitive training can aid in an individual’s recovery on one specific consequence of mmTBI: cognitive control. To examine this novel treatment on cognitive control, EEG was recorded, and FM-theta activity collected from electrode FCz was analyzed. Three analyses were run to address the hypotheses of the present study: 1. A cluster analysis; 2. A series of repeated-measures ANOVAs; and 3. A series of multiple linear regressions. The results illustrate the heterogeneity of cognitive control in mmTBI. Moreover, the findings demonstrate the potential for near transfer of active tDCS on tasks that activate similar cognitive networks as those used on trained tasks. Finally, the results indicate EEG biomarkers can predict behavioral changes in mmTBI persons.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Claudia Tesche, PhD
Second Committee Member
Marco Del Giudice, PhD
Third Committee Member
Davin Quinn, MD
traumatic brain injury, cognitive control, EEG, FM-theta, tDCS
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Mertens, Nickolas A.. "Effects of Anodal tDCS on Neural Correlates of Cognitive Control in Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/319