Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study is to examine the body of reference and source material presently available relative to Spanish Colonial silver in New Mexico, and to apply it specifically to the problem of describing, classifying, and dating the pieces in the Mary Lester Field Collection of Spanish Colonial Silver, University Art Museum of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
A second purpose is to explore the idea that an identifiable provincial style may exist within the general classification of Spanish Colonial silver, especially in relationship to the American Southwest. Critical stylistic analysis will be applied to individual pieces in the collection, within the framework of historical data, to determine whether or not there are enough consistent stylistic differences between those pieces known to have been made in the Mexico City area, and certain examples of unknown origin to justify a distinction between them.
Document Type
Degree Name
Art History
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Bainbridge Bunting
Second Committee Member
Third Committee Member
Recommended Citation
Boylan, Leona Mae. "A Study Of The Mary Lester Field Collection Of Spanish Colonial Silver." (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/111