Communication ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-15-2022


This dissertation seeks to elucidate a form of investigation, derived from Jose Esteban Muñoz’s (2006) considerations of brown feelings. By triangulating a base across Queer of Color embodied critiques, I locate a research site in the field of Queer Intercultural Communication to ground the capacity of this project. In this, I work with Queer of Color men in New Mexico, focusing on their feelings about identity and desire as it relates to relational thresholds. By mapping an analytical structure across my own experiences and theirs, I determine to craft a more complicated vantage across our experiences, outlining the socio-cultural pressures affecting such subjects who tilt precariously on an assimilationist precipice within the U.S. The larger effort of this study is premised upon an anti-normative bedrock, rejecting the compulsion to articulate and suture a “fulfilled” individual. This project concludes in a queerly organized delineation of such prospects.




Queer Intercultural Communication, racialized sexualities, New Mexico, Brown feelings, queer decoherence

Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Communication and Journalism

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. Shinsuke Eguchi

Second Committee Member

Dr. Jaelyn DeMaria

Third Committee Member

Dr. David Weiss

Fourth Committee Member

Dr. Bernadette Marie Calafell

Fifth Committee Member

Dr. Myra Washington
