English Language and Literature ETDs
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Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Away from Concord: The Travel Writings of Henry Thoreau, Robert Sattelmeyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
The Prospector and the Pioneer: A Key to the Selected Short Stories of Bret Harte, Emeline Beisman
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Willa Cather: A Feminist Study, Sharon R. Barba
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.: Apostle to the Disillusioned, Paul Nicholas Pavich
Maps, George F. Wetmore
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
"The Countries Sweet Simplicity": Devonshire Life in the Poetry of Robert Herrick, David F. Beer
Shakespeare's Coriolanus:The Icon Of Mars., Claus-Peter Buechmann
The Evolution Of A Black Writer: John A. Williams., Earl A. Cash
The Rhetoric Of Swift's "A Modest Proposal.", Nancy Jean Conrad
Selected Poems, 1970-1972, Thomas John Hill
The Female Warrior in the Renaissance Epic, Phillip Elliott Parotti
The Fiction of Kate Chopin, Peter James Peterson
Recognition and Reversal in Samson Agonistes, June Haig Simons
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The Imagination of Gary Snyder, Bert Almon
The Idea Of Evil In The Poetry Of Blake And Shelley:A Comparative Study., Melanie Flossie Bandy
The Holograph Ballads of John Payne Collier from the Hall Commonplace Book, Folger Ms. V. a. 339, Eric J. C. Berryman
The Shifting Voice;A Study Of Robert Lowell'S Poetry., Myrna Bouchey
Backgrounds of Mexican American Literature, Philip D. Ortego
Landscape Imagery in Shelley's Major Poetry: The Forest and Related Settings, Ingrid J. Parker
THE SHORT STORY: An Expression of the Creative Imperative, an Introduction, Mary Muses Woodlee
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The Organic Unity Of Henry David Thoreau'S A Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers., Gail Baker
From Drama To Novel: A Study Of Fielding'S Development., Connie Capers
Masking And Disguise In The Plays Of Etherege, Wycherley, And Cosgreve., John Ellison Carroll
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Ernest Hemingway:Four Studies In The Competitive Motif., Taylor Alderman
The Ironic Dimension in Hawthorne's Short Fiction, Isidore H. Becker
Odysseus:The Confrontation With Death, Eric N. Havill
A Consideration Of Some Archetypes In Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur, Philip Lawrence Mead
Politics, Government, and Man in Swift's 1710-1714 Writings and Gulliver's Travels, Phil R. Phelps
A Comparison of the Themes of Edward Albee and Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Thomas B. Stribling
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The Journal As Literary Form, William Bingham
John Gay'S Comic View Of Society, Bruce Frederick Hann
The Critical Career Of Allen Tate, 1922-1952., Vera Louise Norwood
Samuel Johnson's Part in the Swiftian Tradition: A Study of Johnson as Swift's Biographer, Critic, and Associate Moralist, Jordan Paul Richman
Paradise Lost and the State of Innocence: A Comparison of Plot, Characterization, Genre and Theme, Evelyn N. Saucier
Aspen Conversations, Richard Lee Van Der Voort
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Gestalten, Layeh A. Bock
The Art Of Living: A Preliminary Investigation Of Dr. Johnson's Attitude Toward Learning, Involving Primarily The Rambler, The Idler, And The Adventurer., Nancy C. Cotton
A Comparative Study Of Antonin Artuad'S Play Les Cenci, Anne-Marie Denes
Julian Hawthorne, Novelist of the Real and the Supernatural: A Study of Bressant, Archibald Malmaison, and A Fool of Nature, Martha Mayes Park
Young Men Taken in and Done for, Daphne D. Vaughn
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The Escape Motif in the Modern American Novel: Mark Twain to Carson McCullers, Samuel Bluefarb
The Great Taos Bank Robbery And Other Recollections, Anthony G. Hillerman
Herman Melville'S Use Of Nature In The Encantadas And Selected Poems, Patricia Hogan
The Ceremony Of Innocence., Janusz Kozikowski
Milton and Marvell--and Samuel Parker, Henry F. Lippincott Jr.
The Unifying Theme of Ben Jonson's Works as Shown in Sejanus and Volpone, Dorothy Mumford Logan
The Narrator'S View Of Hester Prynne:A Study Of Narrative Commentary About Hester Prynne In Hawthorne'S The Scarlet Letter., Stephanie Lee Mitchell
Albert Camus's Requiem Pour Une Nonne Translated and Annotated, With Introductory Materials, Donald J. Pattow
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Poetry Of Conrad Aiken., Henry B. Chapin
The Oval Mirror., David Hugh Conford
The Southern Cross Is Around Here Somewhere., Worley Reynolds
Personalities And Personages: A Study Of The Protagonists In F. Scott Fitzgerald's Novels, Richard Schroeder
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
The Parasite In Renaissance Drama, Marian E. Hurley
The Architectonic Phrase in the Drama of Henrik Ibsen, Genevieve Townsend
Alimbics, Shirley G. Wade
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Gabriela Mistral and the Standards of American Criticism, Mary Frances Baker Hernández
Hopkins the Critic: The Literary Judgement and Taste of Gerard Manley Hopkins, With an Appendix on His Verse Theory, Myron Ochshorn
States of suspended decay in the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Alan W. Stringer
A Commentary on the 'Terrible' Sonnets of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Sr. Paul Augusta Trudeau
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Sir Thomas Browne in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Richard C. Angell
Total Mobilization, William Bingham
The Created Conscience: A Study of Technique and Symbol in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ben L. Collins
Swift's "Voyage to Laputa" and Its Place in Gulliver's Travels, Dorothy E. Handler
Sea and water imagery in Byron's Childe Harold's pilgrimage and Don Juan., Albert E. Scott
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
The Origins and Importance of the Initiation Story in Twentieth Century British and American Fiction, Robert S. Bickham
Conrad Aiken's Preludes for Memnon: A Thematic Analysis, Henry B. Chapin
The Horatian Imitations of Pope and Swift, Robert Garland
A Method of Structural Analysis of the Novel, Clinton F. Hurley Jr.
Intention and Actuality in the Fiction of William Dean Howells, William J. McMurray
Le Grand Translateur: The Theory and Practice of Ezra Pound in Selected Translations, Peter H. Ohlin
A Critical Study of John Milton's On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, Daniel Patterson
Primitivism in The Faerie Queene, Andrew R. Segura F.S.C.
Symbolic Texture in a Selection of the Short Fictions of D.H. Lawrence, Robert L. Stallman
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
The Las Palomas Manuscript of Los Pastores, Elena Bernal
The Empedoclean Rationale of Matthew Arnold: An Interpretation of the Ethical Problem in Empedocles on Etna, William E. Maher
A Study of the Dramatic Criticism of Charles Lamb, Lyman Francis Smart
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Four Stories from the History of Carthage, Donald W. Bozeman
Nevada Place Names: Origin and Meaning, Helen S. Carlson
St. Mawr: A Critical Study, David Cavitch
A Very Human Fear, Joseph Ferguson
Oliver La Farge: The Scientist as Literary Artist, Phillip Friedman
An Edition of William Dean Howells' Literary Friends and Acquaintance With an Introduction Treating Literary Reminiscence as a Genre, David Franklin Hiatt
The Social Individual: Social Criticism in the Writings of James Thurber, Arthur M. Kompass
Four Aspects of Milton's Samson Agonistes: Imagery, Comedy, Autobiography, Tragedy, Ronald Kutny
Henry Miller: A Semi-Critical Approach, Gilbert Neiman
Twentieth-Century Criticism of Form in Tristram Shandy, Charles Parish
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Dark Charades, Lloyd L. Alpaugh
King Arthur and the Alliterative Tradition, Lena Exum
Religion and Tradition in the Novels of George Eliot, Viva Fisk
Shoulder The Sky, Frederick P. Hayes
Myth in Marlowe's Dramas, Agnes Therese Hinkley
Brand Whitlock: His Life and His Fiction, Juanita Smith Kytle
Early and Modern Criticism of Browning's Pauline, Paracelsus, and Sordello, Leota Jean LaPaz
The Art and Mind of O. E. Rølvaag, Paul M. Reigstad
Assifidity Days and Other Poems, Robert E. Rhodes
The Intellectual Identity of James Branch Cabell, Tom Towers
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Shapeshifting and Associated Phenomena as Conventions of the Middle English Metrical Romances, Clarence Edward Long
Milton's Conception of Original Justice and of Original Sin, J. Franklin Murray S. J.
"Symmetric History": A Study of Thought Patterns in the Prose Works of Thomas Hardy, Edith H. Peterson
Max Beerbohm--A Critic of His Time, Conrad J. Stack