English Language and Literature ETDs
The Origins and Importance of the Initiation Story in Twentieth Century British and American Fiction
Publication Date
The third and final advantage of the method of explication is that it will, I hope, increase the respect of the readers of serious fiction for the short story as a significant art form. For well over a decade now poems and novels have been subjected to the severest critical scrutiny, while the short story has received but little. In fact one of the reasons this study was undertaken was because of the appalling paucity of criticism of the short story. Just as explication has highlighted the artistic excellence of many poems and novels, so it may help to modify the implicit assumption which prevails that the short story is the poor relative of the richly textured novel. For, except in the case of a very few tightly structured novels, the initiation story is, after all, a short story.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ernest Warnock Tedlock Jr
Second Committee Member
Stanley Newman
Third Committee Member
Morris Freedman
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Bickham, Robert S.. "The Origins and Importance of the Initiation Story in Twentieth Century British and American Fiction." (1961). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/238