English Language and Literature ETDs

Publication Date



In reading about Lord Byron and his work, one comes to feel that more has been written about the poet than about his poetry and that the latter has served only as a sort of springboard for more studies and conjectures about the man. That is not an idle or an unfounded observation can be evidenced by the fact that no less a scholar than Jacques Barzun has commented on this point in an article of his—on Byron. Of course one is easily subverted into doing this very thing in studying Byron, for the man is a fascinating and tragic, a noble and pathetic figure, and his poetry is more clearly autobiographical than that of most other poets.

It is not expected that the present study will bring about a reversal in the direction of Byron scholarship. But it is hoped that what is submitted for consideration will be a contribution, however slight, to the appreciation and enjoyments of his poetry.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Cecil Vivian Wicker

Second Committee Member

Dane Farnsworth Smith

Third Committee Member

Ernest Warren Baughman



Document Type

