English Language and Literature ETDs
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Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Gabriel Harvey: Catalyst in the English Literary Renaissance, Gary L. Tate
Nine Stories, Albert W. Vogel
A Study of the American Woman as She Is Presented in the American Drama of the Nineteen-Twenties, Charles G. Wiley
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Aspects of the Epic in Eskimo Folklore, Walter Jack Arron
The Critics of Wuthering Heights, Paul M. Reigstad
The Development of the Marian Theme in English Lyric Poetry From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, Sister Mary Josine Skelly OP
The Influence of Anton Chekhov on Katherine Mansfield, Gary L. Tate
The Loneliness of Thomas Wolfe: A Note on Form, Keith C. Wilson
The Influence of the Spanish Gracioso on Jacobean-Stuart Drama in England, MaryEllen G. Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
The Luxury of Doubt: A Study of the Relationship Between Imagery and Theme in Emily Dickinson's Poetry, Norman Gregor
Christopher Smart and A Song to David, Charles Parish
The Literary Manifestation of a Liberal Romanticism in American Jazz, Hugh L. Smith Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
October Thursday and Other Pieces, Frederick Black
The Man of Glass: A Three Act Comedy in Verse, Thomas V. Calkins
Graham Greene: A Study of Absolute and Relative Concepts of Morality, Ruth E. Galen
Like a Dog of Many-Colored Glass: A Study of Shelley's Use of Color, Clinton F. Hurley Jr.
Mrs. Gaskell's Social Attitudes in Relation to Her Times, Carrie Lakin
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
Henry Brooke: A Study of His Ideas and of His Position in the Pre-Romantic Movement, Richard H. Darbee
The Poetry of Dylan Thomas, Myron Ochshorn
The Writings of Rabindranath Tagore As A Bridge Between East and West, Marie Somerville
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
The Concept of the Irishman in the Plays of Lady Gregory, Lucile DeWaide
Speech Characteristics of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, Donald I. Dickinson
Good-Bye for Julie and Other Stories, Elaine Greenspan
The Dualism of Shelley's Adonais, Lucille C. Kaul
Two Legs to Stand On, John D. McKee
Wreath and Crystalis: Twenty-Two Poems and an Experiment, William A. McQueen
Portown, Mary Montague
Cleopolis and Persepolis; a comparison of Marlowe and Spenser., Edith H. Peterson
The Novels of James T. Farrell; A study in Social Forces and the Individual, Maurice M. Rosenthal
A Critical Appraisal of the Fiction of Jessamyn West, Ada Rutledge
The Novels of Harold Frederic, George A. Small
Predestination in Chaucer's Tales, Marie Sommerville
Henry James' View of Evil in His Writings from 1888-1899, Adrienne R. Wilda
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
The Literary Tradition of the Scientific Romance, Frank Davis Adams
An Analysis and Interpretation of the Structural Elements in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Archie Bussell
Celtic Mythology in the Poetry of George Russell (A.E) and William B.Yeats, Thomas B. Heaphy
Modern Theories of the Function of the Novel, Barbara Wykes
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
The Imagery in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Sister Magdalen Louise Blum
The Technique of the Novel of Caricature, Ralph Herbert Delsell
Changing Conception of Sir Gawain in Medieval Chronicles and Romances, Clyde Kathleen Pearce
Expressions of Nationalism in the Poetry of the Texas Republic, Edgar Warren Smith Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
Thomas Love Peacock and the Literary Criticism in His Novels with Extensive Bibliographies of Peacock, David DeCamp
The Legend of Prester John and its Use in English Literature, Marjorie Tireman Delzell
Aspects of Mark Twain as a Social Critic, Thomas A. Erhard
A Comparative Study of the Treatment of Joan of Arc in Selected Literary Works, Harriet Johns
E. E. Cummings a Study, Edith B. Perry
The position of women in the plays of Bernard Shaw, Jeanne Shinn
An Analysis of the Use of Folk Materials in the Works of Stephen Vincent Benét, Dodd Vernon
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
The American Revolution as it is Revealed in the Patriotic Plays of the Period, Floyd M. Christ
Shelley's Ideas of Immortality, James Lewis Lacour
Ideas and Aesthetics: An Analysis of the Concept and Presentation of Evil in Certain Great Novels of the Nineteenth Century, Kenneth Lash
The Sex Factor in Blake's Cosmology, George Victor Mather
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
Haniel Long and His Work, Robert Burlingame
A Critical Estimate of the Writings of Lew Wallace, Alice B. Gordon
Hawthorne's Multiple Choice in Symbolism, Helen R. Haight
Thomas Wolfe: Critic of America, Pat E. Kilburn
The Three Nephites: The Substance and Significance of the Legend in Folklore, Hector Lee
Trends in the Treatment of Women in Fiction, 1890-1910, Gertrude M. Richards
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
The Crabbian Village in American Literature 1880-1940, Frances Hoag Kuliasha
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
A Survey of the Life and Novels of David Graham Phillips, Abraham Feldman
The influence of Biblical higher criticism upon the life and works of George Eliot., William M. Stringfellow
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
The Intellectual and Spiritual Development of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jessie L. Boulter
An Analysis of the Prose and Poetry of Sister Mary Madeleva, Sister Mary Eva Hau O.S.F.
Literary Tendencies in the Short Story, Harper's Magazine, 1850-1870, Marguerite Leahy
Some Representative Realists in American Fiction, 1890 to 1910, Clara Morris
Social Problems in the Fiction of Benjamin Disraeli, Harriet Uhler Simpson
Verse Satire between 1798 and 1832 in Relation to the Romantic Movement, Marie Van Driel
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
Attitudes Toward the Indian as Found in American Literature 1700-1800, Margaret Lindsay Hopcraft
Best Sellers in American Fiction During the First Decade of the Twentieth Century, Sister Marie Joan Sullivan
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Abraham Lincoln As He Appears in Poetry, Joanna Black
The North American Indian as Presented in Early Chronicles, Edith Stephens Blessing
Religious Attitudes of Seven Major American Poets in the Nineteenth Century, Catherine Crews
A Study of the Life and Works of Charles Fletcher Lummis, Esther Gardner
Sentimental Elements in the Writings of Henry Fielding, Edna G. Roberts
Trails of the Trouper: A Historical Study of the Theater in New Mexico from 1880-1910, Hazel Vineyard
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
British Criticism of American Literature 1844-1860 as Reflected in Littell's Living Age, Lelon Avalon Hill
The Influence of the Oxford Movement on Poetry, Mary Margery Smith
A Study of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Howard E. Sylvester
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
A Southwestern Dictionary, Rose Jeanne Carlisle
Sunset Over Lincoln, Gordon Clouser
Attitude Toward English Culture in Irish Literature, Sister Rita Cascia Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
Shakespeare's Use of the Ghost in His Tragedies, John Carl Burcham
The Characterization of Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot by Malory, Tennyson, Robinson, and Masefield, with Observations of the Formal Aspects and the Philosophy in the Work of these Writers, Ethel Elizabeth Erlandson
The Indian in Southwestern Fiction, Ella Brice Morris Kennedy
A Study of Character Tradition in the Comedy of Humours by Ben Jonson to the Year 1602, Fern Hogue Mitchell
Trends in Form in Recent Women Poets, Carl C. Nelson
A Comparative Study of Four Autobiographical Novels, Florence Marion Olson
Innovations in the vocabulary of Christopher Marlowe. A dictionary of new words, word meanings, forms and functions, Urvin Rundle
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
John M. Synge in the Irish Literacy Renaissance, Willis D. Jacobs
An Analysis of the Naturalism of Frank Norris, James L. Loughlin
Sara Teasdale: Her Life and Work, Virginia McKnight
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
English Homilies and English Miracle Plays, Anthony J. Achee
Anti-romantic Attitudes in the Novels of Jane Austen, Mildred T. Faris
Characterization in the Novels of John Galsworthy, Charlie Scott
The Metrics, Imagery and Philosophy of Robert Frost, Gertrude Warner
The Metrics, Imagery and Philosophy of Robert Frost, Gertrude Warner
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
The Language of the Santa Fe Trader, Kathleen McKee Brophy
Character Types of the Southwest as Delineated in New Mexico Fiction and Presented in Such Order as to Show the Development of this State, Bonnidell Sisson Roberts
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
A Study of Cowboy Diction with a Glossary of Terms, Thelma Adams Jenkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
The Metrics and Imagery of Edwin Arlington Robinson As Exhibited in Five of His Blank Verse Poems, Elsie Ruth Dykes-Chant