English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
The metrical study, based on Frost's blank verse only, was made for the purpose of determining the quality of his blank verse, and the effect produced by the use of substitutions, feminine endings, run-on lines, and end-stop lines. The metrical tables have been compiled after a careful study of 1811 lines of Frost's blank verse. Ten of what are commonly considered among his best poems in blank verse were used as a basis for the study. The metrical findings in the blank verse of each of the five books of the author's poetry have also been tabulated. A final table sums up the metrical practices in the total 4451 lines of blank verse.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
George St.Clair
Second Committee Member
Dane Farnsworth Smith
Third Committee Member
Francis Monroe Kercheville
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Warner, Gertrude. "The Metrics, Imagery and Philosophy of Robert Frost." (1936). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/223