English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 6-6-1941
It is the purpose of this study to discuss the sentimental elements in the writings of Henry Fielding. There is no doubt that, for the most part, even a casual examination of Fielding's writings justifies the classification commonly assigned to him by his readers, that of intellectual realist. But it would be surprising if a man who was as sensitive to the temper of his time as was Fielding, could live in an age in which sentimentalism was becoming increasingly apparent, not only in the major literary genres of the period, but in the religion and philosophy as well, and not display, to some degree, in his writings, the sentimental influences of the day. My purpose here, then, is to call attention to those sentimental elements in the writings of Henry Fielding too generally overlooked, save perhaps in the case of Amelia, because the realism is so much more obvious, and, it may be, to most readers, more desirable.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dudley Wynn
Second Committee Member
Dane Farnsworth Smith
Third Committee Member
Robert Arthur Moyers
Henry Fielding, Sentimentalism
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Roberts, Edna G.. "Sentimental Elements in the Writings of Henry Fielding." (1941). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/192