The LA-ENERGAIA project collect, translate (Metadata only or in some cases abstracts and complete texts), analyze, and disseminate information about energy policy, regulation, and dialogue in Latin America. This include government policies, international treaties, and other issues regarding energy policy with respect to natural resources, as well as alternative and renewable sources of energy. Our focus encompass regional and international energy policies and their economic and social impact on Latin America.
This collection houses items that are not part of our Internet Archive or already in other Latin American digital repositories. Metadata from this collection is collected in the Latin American Knowledge Harvester. Translation is generally from Spanish and Portuguese materials but particular attention is given to the single largest transnational indigenous group in the hemisphere – the Quechua speaking population of Bolivia,Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.
Submissions from 2011
Amaila Falls Hydropower Project - Executive Summary, Environmental Protection Agency, Guyana
Decree No. 8.097 - Organic Regulation for the Popular Power Ministry of Electric Energy, Presidente de la República
Resolution No. 29 - Natural Gas Prices for the week of February 19-25, 2011, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, República Dominicana
Submissions from 2010
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Peru and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for the Supply of Electricity to Peru and Export of Surplus to Brazil, Gobierno de la República del Perú y Gobierno de la República Federativa del Brasil
Biofuels Policy 2010-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
Decree No. 173/010 - Renewable Energy Generation, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Decree No. 58 - Agreement on the Project ""Strategy of Renewable Energy Expansion in Interconnected Power Systems"", Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile
Decree No. 59 - Agreement between Chile and Germany, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile
Law No. 18.666 - Leasing of properties, General Assembly of Uruguay
Law No. 82 - Law for Diversification through Sustainable Renewable Energy and Alternative Energy in Puerto Rico, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Law No. 83- Law for Green Energy Incentives, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Ministerial Resolution 410-2010-MEM/DM - Creation of the Peru-Ecuador Energy Exchange Commission, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
Ministerial Resolution No. 572-2010-MEM/DM - National Plan of Rural Electrification 2011-2020, Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Perú
Ministerial Resolution No. 573-2010-MEM/DM - Short Term Plan for the National Plan of Rural Electrification, Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Perú
National Energy Conservation and Efficiency Policy 2010-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
National Energy-From-Waste Policy 2010-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
National Policy for the Trading of Carbon Credits 2010-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
National Renewable Energy Policy 2009-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
Organic Law of the Electric System and Service, Presidente de la República
P. del S. 1519 - Public Policy Law for Energy Diversification through Renewable, Sustainable and Alternative Energy in Puerto Rico, Senado de Puerto Rico
Resolution 180919 - Rational Use of Energy, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Resolution 182131 - Natural Gas, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Resolution No. 41 - Natural Gas, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio
Submissions from 2009
Convenio de Colaboracion entre la Secretaria de Energia y la Comision Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indigenas (2009), Secretary of Energy and the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Communities of Mexico
Decree 562/2009 - Regulation of the Law 26.190, Presidente de la República de Argentina
Decree 84 - Agreement between Chile and Germany for the Project Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency IV, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile
Decree No. 119 - Mining, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Decree No. 258/009 - Wind Map of Uruguay, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Decree No. 377/009 - Broadens the regulations stated in Decrees 77/006, 397/007 and 299/008, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Decree No. 403/009 - Contracts for the Generation of Wind Power, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Environmental Guide for Exploration Activities of Mineral Deposits in Per, Ministry of Energy and Mines - Perú
Executive Decree No. 121 - Environmental Regulations in Mining, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Executive Decree No. 123 - Regulates Law No. 41 (General Environmental Law), Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas
Law No. 18.597 - Efficient Use of Energy, Asamblea General de Uruguay
Mining Law, Asamblea Nacional, Ecuador
Mining Law, Comisión Legislativa y de Fiscalización
National Energy Policy 2009-2030, Ministry of Energy and Mining
National Minerals Policy, Minister of Mining and Telecommunications
Organic Law for Petrochemical Activities, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
Resolución Extenta 1278, establece normas para la adecuada implementacion de la Ley No 20.257, National Energy Commission
Resolution 341 - Allocation of funds to non-conventional renewable energy sources, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 367 - Regulation of Coverage for Loans to Finance Investment Projects in Non-conventional Renewable Energy, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 370 - Power Lines Subsidy, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution 89 - Code for the Renewable Energy Center, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, Chile
Resolution No. 152 - Natural Gas, Secretaria de Estado de Industria y Comercio
Resolution No. 818/009 - Wind Farm, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Submissions from 2008
Constituent Mandate No. 15 - Electricity Tariff, Asamblea Constituyente, Ecuador
Declaration of Public Interest and National Convenience for the Pocosol-Agua Gata Hydroelectric Project, Presidente de la República, Costa Rica and El Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía, Costa Rica
Decree No. 202-08 - Regulation of Law No. 57-07 to Promote the Development of Renewable Sources of Energy, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Decree No. 296/008 - Broadens the regulations stated in Decree No. 397/007, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Decree No. 299/008 - Modifies Art. 2 of Decree No. 77/006, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy (2008), Cámara de Diputados del Honorable Congreso de la Unión, Mexico
Law No. 1215 - Electric Energy Generation, Congreso de Colombia
Law No. 18.362 - Accountability and Budget Execution, Asamblea General del Uruguay
Law No. 73 - Law of Economic Incentives for the Development of Puerto Rico, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
LEY NÚM. 20.257 (March 20, 1998), Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction of Chile
Ley para el Aprovechamiento de Energias Renovables y el Financiamiento de la Transicion Energetica (2008), Camara de Diputados del Congreso de la Union, Mexico
Submissions from 2007
Central American Sustainable Energy Strategy 2020, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA); System of Central American Integration (SICA)
Decree 2331 of 2007 - Rational and Efficient Energy Use, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Decree 267 - Financial Cooperation Agreement for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Decree No. 10.861/07 - Oil, El Presidente de la República
Decree No. 144-2007 - Law for the Production and Consumption of Biofuels, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Decree No. 156-2007 - Forest, Protected Areas and Wildlife Law, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Decree No. 2629 - Biofuels, El Ministro de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Decree No. 264-07- Promotion of Natural Gas, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Decree No. 397/007 - Substitutes Art. 1 of Decree No. 77/006, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Executive Decree No. 35 - National Policy for Climate Change, Presidente de la República de Panamá
Executive Decree No. 475 - Creation of the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Law 1151 of 2007- Alternative Energy, Colombia, El Congreso de Colombia
Law No. 18.195 - Agrofuels, Asamblea General de Uruguay
Law No. 24.804 - National Law of Nuclear Activity, El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina
Law No. 3180 - Mining, El Congreso de la Nación Paraguaya
Law No. 3254 - Natural Gas, Congreso de la Nación de Paraguay
Law No. 627 - Law of Reforms and Additions to Law No. 554, "Energy Stability Law", La Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Law No. 9 - Environmental Collaboration Agreement Between the Republic of Panama and the Republic of Chile, Asamblea Nacional de Panamá
Law that transfers powers of supervision and monitoring of mining activities to OSINERG - Mining Activities, El congreso de la Republica - Perú
Legislative Decree No. 404 - Law of Fiscal Incentives for the Promotion of Renewable Energy in the Generation of Electricity, Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de El Salvador
Legislative Decree No. 404 - Law of the Creation of the National Energy Council, Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de El Salvador
Ley No. 5707 sobre Incentivo al Desarrollo de Fuentes Renovables de Energía y de sus Regímenes Especiales (2007), National Congress of the Dominican Republic
Petroleum Act Chapter 62:01, Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Policy for the Conservation, Protection and Improvement of the Environment and Natural Resources, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Secretaría de Energía
Resolution No. 235 - Biodiesel, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Paraguay
Sustainable Energy Policy Initiative Report for Latin America and the Carribean, Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible, Organización de los Estados Americanos and Energy and Security Group
Submissions from 2006
Decree No. 58 - General Agreement of Cooperation between the Governments of the Republic of Chile and the Kingdom of Morocco, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile
Decree No. 77/006 - Special contracts for sale and purchase of electricity produced through renewable energies, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minas
Executive Decree No. 2066 - Electricity Sector Regime, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Executive Decree No. 2066 - General Regulation for the Law of the Electrical Sector, Presidente de la Republica del Ecuador
Executive Decree No. 60 - Creates the National Energy Council, Organo Ejecutivo
Hydrocarbons Organic Law, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
Law 26.190 - Electric Energy Law, El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina
Law No. 28749 - General Rural Electrification Law, Presidente del Congreso de la República del Perú
Law No. 3009 - Electric Energy, Congreso de la Nación de Paraguay
Law No. 3429 - Agreement Between the Republic of Bolivia and the Republic of Venezuela, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Organic Environmental Law, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
Petroleum Regulations, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Resolution 180256 - Amendment to Resolution 181782, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Supreme Decree No. 28984 - Regulation of the Regime of Incentives for Small and Marginal Field Production, Evo Morales Ayma, Presidente Constitucional de la Republica
Technical Collaboration Agreement Between the Association of Renewable Energy Generators and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Submissions from 2005
Collaboration Agreement Between the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of Guatemala and the Solar Foundation, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y la Fundación Solar