The LA-ENERGAIA project collect, translate (Metadata only or in some cases abstracts and complete texts), analyze, and disseminate information about energy policy, regulation, and dialogue in Latin America. This include government policies, international treaties, and other issues regarding energy policy with respect to natural resources, as well as alternative and renewable sources of energy. Our focus encompass regional and international energy policies and their economic and social impact on Latin America.
This collection houses items that are not part of our Internet Archive or already in other Latin American digital repositories. Metadata from this collection is collected in the Latin American Knowledge Harvester. Translation is generally from Spanish and Portuguese materials but particular attention is given to the single largest transnational indigenous group in the hemisphere – the Quechua speaking population of Bolivia,Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.
Submissions from 2005
Decree No. 013-2005-EM - Rules of Procedure for the Law for the Promotion of the Biofuel Market, Presidente de la Republica del Perú
Decree No. 5.051/05 - Regulates Law No. 2501 which expands the Social Rate of Electric Energy, Presidente de la República de Paraguay
Decree No. 5.448 - Regulates Law No. 11.097, Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil
Executive Decree No. 796 - Electric Service, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Law for Social Responsibility in Radio and Television, Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
Law No. 11.097 - Introduction of Biodiesel in the Brazilian Energy Mix, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Law No. 2.616/05 - Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement - ACEC, El Congreso de la Nación Paraguaya
Law No. 3058 - Hydrocarbons Law, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 3152 - Sources for the Generation of Alternative Energy in the Pando Department, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 3279 - Sources for the Generation of Alternative Energy in the Beni Department, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 32868 - Water Use, El Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía, Costa Rica
Law No. 554 - Energy Stability Law, La Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Ley N. 531 (2005), La Asamblea Nacional de La República de Nicaragua
Ley N. 532, Ley para la Promoción de Generación Eléctrica con Fuentes Renovables, La Asamblea Nacional de La República de Nicaragua
Ley No 2748 de Fomento de los Biocombustibles (2005), National Congress of Paraguay
PetroCaribe Energy Cooperation Agreement, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Governments of the Caribbean
Resolution No. 4/2005 - Creates the Environmental Regulation and Nuclear Safety Office, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Submissions from 2004
ANP Resolution No. 42 - Biodiesel, Diretor-Geral da Agência Nacional do Petróleo - ANP
Decree 279 - Creates a Specialized Governmental Body for the Control of Fuels, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Decree N. 32- Geothermal Energy, Ministerio de Minería, Chile
Decree No. 786-04 - Creates the Climate Change and Clean Development Office, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Interinstitutional Collaborative Partnership Between the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Envirnoment and Natural Resources and the National Council of Protected Areas, Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas
Law 939 of 2004 - Biofuels, Congreso de Colombia
Law No. 45 - Incentives for the Promotion of Hydroelectric Generation Systems and Other New, Renewable Clean Sources, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Law No. 494- Law on Amendments and Additions to Article 135 of Law No. 272, ""Law of the Electric Industry"", Asamblea Nacional de Nicaragua
Ley Num. 325, Asamblea Legislativa de Puerto Rico
Policy Series;No. 5, Organization of American States
Presidential Decree that Creates the National Office on Climate Change, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Presidential Decree that Creates the National Program of Cleaner Production, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Unserved Areas Electrification Programme- Government/Guyana Power & Light Inc. Project Agreement, Government of Guyana
Submissions from 2003
Decision 563 - Codification of the Andean Subregional Integration Agreement, La Comisión de la Comunidad Andina
Decree 306-03 - Ratifies and Amends the Regulation of the General Electricity Law contained in the Decree No. 555-02, Presidente de la República Dominicana
Decree N. 3683 of 2003 - Renewable Energy Regulation, Ministerio de Minas y Energía
Decree No. 31087- Ethanol, Presidente de la República, Costa Rica; El Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía, Costa Rica; and El Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Costa Rica
Decree No. 52-2003 - Law of Incentives for the Development of Renewable Energy Projects, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
First Additional Protocol to the Agreement on Economic Complementation Between the Government of the United States of Mexico and the Government of the Republic of Guatemala in the Subject of Trade and Transportation of Natural Gas, Signed on December 7, 1999 - Protocol of Adherence of the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, Ministerio de Economía de El Salvador
Law 25.786 - Approval of the Agreement on Energy Cooperation signed with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina
Law No. 28054 - Law for the Promotion of the Biofuel Market, Presidente de la Republica del Perú
Law No. 28 - Amendments to the Law of the Electric Power Authority of Puerto Rico, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Law No. 467 - Law for the Promotion of the Hydroelectric Sub-sector, La Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Law No. 8345 - Participation of Rural Electrification Cooperatives and Municipal Public Service Businesses in National Development, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Resolution No. 30 - Geothermal Energy, Ministerio de Minería, Chile
Resolution No. 377 - Fuels, Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Paraguay
Submissions from 2002
Act No. 2 / 2002 - Energy Sector (Harmonisation of Laws) Act, Parliament of Guyana
Acuerdo Presidencial No. 279 (2002), Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Agreement No. AG-110-2002 - Development of Hydroelectric Plants, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
Decree No. 11-2002 - Law of the Councils for the Urban and Rural Development, Congreso de la República de Guatemala
Decree No. 4.541 - Regulates Law No. 10.438, Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil
Decreto N. 15 (2002), Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Chile
Executive Order No. 3448 - Regulation for International ElectricityTransactions, Presidente Constitutional de la República de Ecuador
Law 443 - Law of Exploration and Exploitation of Geothermal Resources, La Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Law No. 10.438 - Creates the Incentives Program for Alternative Sources of Electricity (Proinfa), Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Law No. 135 - Amendments to Law No. 128, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Law No. 1.948 - Gas, Congreso de la Nación de Paraguay
Law No. 194 - Amendments to Law of Electric Power Authority, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Law No. 272 - Electric Power, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico
Law No. 8265 - Approval of the Adhesion to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law of Energy for the Countryside, Cámara de Diputados del Honorable Congreso de la Unión, México
Resolution No. 111/2002 - National Environmental Monitoring System, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Submissions from 2001
Executive Decree No. 1761 - Environmental Regulations for Electrical Activities, President of the Republic of Ecuador
Executive Decree No. 1761 - Environmental Regulations in Electric Sector, Presidente Constitucional de la República, Ecuador
Executive Decree No. 1822 - Regulation to Control the Abuse of Monopolistic Positions in the Activities of the Electrical Sector, Presidente de la Republica del Ecuador
Law No. 125-01 General Electricity Law, El Congreso Nacional de la República Dominicana
Law No. 2267 - Study of Water Resources, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 78 - Organic Law of the Electrical Service, Asamblea Nacional de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ley N. 697 (2001), The Congress of Colombia
Ley No 12.603 (2001), Legislature of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Submissions from 2000
Act No. 61 of 2000 - An Act to Regulate Mining, Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Act No. 79 of 2000 - Petroleum Amendment Act, Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and Belize, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Belice
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and El Salvador, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de El Salvador
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and Guatemala, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Guatemala
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and Haiti, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Haití
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement - Between Venezuela and Honduras, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Honduras
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement - Between Venezuela and Jamaica, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Jamaica
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and Nicaragua, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua
Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement Between Venezuela and Panama, Gobierno de la República de Venezuela y Gobierno de la República de Panamá
Decree N. 142- Identifying Probable Sources of Geothermal Energy, Ministerio de Minería, Chile
Decree No. 10183 - Authorizes the free commercialization of all types of oil fuels to Petroleos Paraguayos, Presidente de la República de Paraguay
Decree No. 10.911 - Regulates the Refining, Import, Distribution and Commercialization of fuels derived from Oil., Presidente de la República de Paraguay
Decree No. 3.546 - Creates the Sugar and Alcohol Interministerial Counsel - CIMA, Vice-Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil
Energy Cooperation Agreement between Venezuela and Costa Rica, Los Gobiernos de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y de la República de Costa Rica
Energy Cooperation Agreement between Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, Los Gobiernos de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y de la República Dominicana
Executive Decree No. 59 - Process to Evaluate Environmental Impact, Presidenta de la República de Panamá
Law Decree No. 207 - Nuclear Energy, Consejo del Estado
Law No. 9.984 - Creates the National Water Agency - ANA, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Law No. 9.991 - Energy Efficiency, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Ley No. 19.657 (2000) Ley Sobre Concesiones de Energia Geotermica, Ministry of Mining, Chile
Ordinance No. 118- 2000- Liquefied Natural Gas, O Director Geral da Agencia Nacional do Petróleo
Regulation of the Organic Law on Gaseous Hydrocarbons, Presidente de la República
Submissions from 1999
Decree 1597/99 - National Code for Wind and Solar Energy, El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina
Decree No. 120-99 - Protocol to the Central America Electric Market Treaty, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Electricity Sector Reform Act 1999, National Assembly of Guyana
Law No. 27133 - Law for the Promotion of the Development of the Natural Gas Industry, Presidente de la República del Perú
Organic Law on Gaseous Hydrocarbons, Presidente de la República
Regulation of the Chubut Wind Energy Law, El Gobernador de la Provincia del Chubut
Resolution No. 77/99 - Regulations for the Evaluation Process of Environmental Impact, Ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Submissions from 1998
Decree 1320 of 1998 - Natural Resources in Indigenous Communities, Ministerio del Interior, Colombia
Decree 1390 - Regulation of Nuclear Law No. 24.804, Poder Ejecutivo Nacional
Decree No. 233 - Environmental Law, Asamblea Legislativa de la Republica de El Salvador