The LA-ENERGAIA project collect, translate (Metadata only or in some cases abstracts and complete texts), analyze, and disseminate information about energy policy, regulation, and dialogue in Latin America. This include government policies, international treaties, and other issues regarding energy policy with respect to natural resources, as well as alternative and renewable sources of energy. Our focus encompass regional and international energy policies and their economic and social impact on Latin America.

This collection houses items that are not part of our Internet Archive or already in other Latin American digital repositories. Metadata from this collection is collected in the Latin American Knowledge Harvester. Translation is generally from Spanish and Portuguese materials but particular attention is given to the single largest transnational indigenous group in the hemisphere – the Quechua speaking population of Bolivia,Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.


Submissions from 1966


Law No. 35 - Water Use, Presidente de la República de Panamá

Submissions from 1962


Law No. 19 - Aproves the Collaboration Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Panama, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá


Petroleum Refining Industry (Encouragement) Act, Ministry of Justice

Submissions from 1961


Law Decree No. 56 - Organic Law of the Salvadorean Nuclear Energy Commission, Junta de Gobierno de El Salvador

Submissions from 1958


Electricity Development Act, Ministry of Justice

Submissions from 1956


Chapter 56:03 - Hydroelectric Power Act, Parliament of Guyana

Submissions from 1948


Decree No. 137 - Law of the Hydroelectric Executive Commision of the Lempa River, Asamblea Legislativa de la Republica de El Salvador

Submissions from 1947


Mining Act, Ministry of Justice

Submissions from 1941


Law No. 83 - Creates the Electric Power Authority of Puerto Rico, Asamblea Legislativa, Puerto Rico

Submissions from 1934


Decree No. 24.643 - Water Code, Chefe do Governo Provisório da República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil