The LA-ENERGAIA project collect, translate (Metadata only or in some cases abstracts and complete texts), analyze, and disseminate information about energy policy, regulation, and dialogue in Latin America. This include government policies, international treaties, and other issues regarding energy policy with respect to natural resources, as well as alternative and renewable sources of energy. Our focus encompass regional and international energy policies and their economic and social impact on Latin America.
This collection houses items that are not part of our Internet Archive or already in other Latin American digital repositories. Metadata from this collection is collected in the Latin American Knowledge Harvester. Translation is generally from Spanish and Portuguese materials but particular attention is given to the single largest transnational indigenous group in the hemisphere – the Quechua speaking population of Bolivia,Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.
Submissions from 1998
Decree No. 89-98 - Amendment of Article 62 of the Electric Sub-Sector Law, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Decreto No 42-98 (1998), Presidente de la Republica de Nicaragua
Executive Order No. 1274 - Regulation of Concessions, Permits and Licenses for the Provision of Electric Service, Presidente Constitutional Interino de la República de Ecuador
Law No. 1887 - Multiple Project Angosto de Bala, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 1896 - Agreement Between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 272- Law of the Electric Industry, Asamblea Nacional de la República de Nicaragua
Law No. 41 - General Environmental Law, Asamblea Legislativa
Law No. 4389 - Wind Energy Law for the Chubut Province, Legislatura de la Provincia del Chubut, Argentina
Law No. 88 - Approves the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, Asamblea Legislativa
Legislative Decree No. 354 - Law of the National Fund for the Investment in Electricity and Phone Service, Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de El Salvador
Ley 25.019, Regimen Nacional de Energia Eolica y Solar, Congress of Argentina
Partial Agreement on Energy Integration between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Bolivia, El Gobierno de la República Argentina y el Gobierno de la República de Bolivia
Regulation of the Law of Public Electricity Service, in terms of Contributions, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Resolution No. 25/98 - Authorization of the Practices Associated with the Use of Ionizing Radiation, Ministra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Submissions from 1997
Act No. 31 of 1997- Guyana Energy Agency Act, National Assembly of Guyana
Agreement between the Government of the United Mexican States, The Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation in Energy Science and Technology, Secretaria de Energía, Mexico
Agreement No. 934-97 - Regulations of the Law of the Electric Sub-Sector, Presidente Constitucional de la República de Honduras
Decree No. 222 - Mining Law Regulations, Consejo de Ministros
Executive Decree No. 368 - Regulation that substitutes the General Regulations of the Law of the Electricity Sector, Presidente de la República de Ecuador
Government Agreement No. 256-97 - Rules of Procedure for the General Law of Electricity, Presidente de la República de Guatemala
Law No. 21 - Development of the Interoceanic Region, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Law No. 6 - Electricity Law, Asamblea Legislativa
Law No. 81 - Environmental Law, Asamblea Nacional de Cuba
Law No. 9433 - Water Resources, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Law No. 9.478 - Energy Policy, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Submissions from 1996
Act No. 11 of 1996 - Environmental Protection Act, Parliament of Guyana
Decree 101-96 - Forest Law, Congreso de la Republica de Guatemala
Decree No. 116-96 - Law to Promote the Diffusion of Environmental Conscience, Congreso de la República de Guatemala
Decree No. 93-96 - General Electricity Law, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
Law No. 1689 - Hydrocarbons Law, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 7593 - Law of the Authority of Public Services, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law of the Electricity Sector, Congreso Nacional del Ecuador
Legislative Decree No. 843 - General Electricity Law, Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de El Salvador
Resolution No. 111/96 - Regulations on the Biological Diversity, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Water Resources Act, Ministry of Justice
Submissions from 1995
Decree No. 197 - Creates the National Committee of the Turquino-Manati Plan, Consejo de Ministros
Law No. 7513 - Approval of Regional Agreement on Climate Change, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law No. 779/95 - Amends Law No. 675 related to Oil, Congreso de la Nación de Paraguay
Law No. 9.074 - Public Services, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Natural Gas Regulation, Secretaria de Energía, Mexico
Submissions from 1994
Decree 158-94 - Electricity Subsector Framework Law, El Congreso Nacional, Honduras
Decree No. 158-94 - Law of the Electric Sub-Sector, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Law 143 of 1994 - Electricity Regime, Congreso de Colombia
Law 1604 (December 21, 1994), Viceministry of Electricity and Alternative Energy, Bolivia, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy Bolivia
Law 7446 - Law to regulate the best use of solar light, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law No. 1604 - Norms the Activities of the Electrical Industry and Establishes the Principles to set Prices and Fees, National Congress of Bolivia
Law No. 16.466 - Environment, Asamblea General del Uruguay
Law No. 307 - Energy Agreement with Venezuela, El Congreso de la Nación Paraguaya
Law No. 7447 - Energy Efficiency, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law No. 76 - Mining Law, Asamblea Nacional de Cuba
Regulation of Rational Use of Energy, La Asamblea Legislativa de la Republica De Costa Rica
Resolution No. 168/95 - Environmental Impact, Consejo del Estado
Submissions from 1993
Decree 1494 of 1993 - Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Alternative Energies, El Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia
Decree No. 009-93-EM - Rules of Procedure for the Electric Concessions Law, Ministerio de Energia y Minas
Decree No. 104-93 - General Environmental Law, National Congress of Honduras
Decree No. 732 - Law of Development and Territorial Code of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador and Adjoining Municipalities, Asamblea Legislativa de la Republica de El Salvador
Governor's Executive Order OE-1993-57- Energy Public Policy, Gobernador del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
Law 99 - Creation of the Ministry of Environment, Congreso de Colombia
Law for the Public Service of Electric Energy, Cámara de Diputados del Honorable Congreso de la Unión
Law No. 8.723 - Reduction of Pollutant Emissions from Automobiles, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Ley N. 19.253 (1993) Ley Indigena, Ministry of Planning and Cooperation of Chile
Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act, Ministry of Justice
Submissions from 1992
Decree No. 21-92 - Protocol for the Constituent Agreement of the Central American Environment and Development Commission CCAD, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Law No. 1333 - Environmental Law, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Law No. 24.076 - Natural Gas Law, El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina
Law No. 25844 - Electric Concessions Law, Presidente de la República del Perú
Submissions from 1991
Decree 56-91 - Law for the Regulation of Operations of Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum and Mining, El Congreso Nacional, Honduras
Law No. 8.171 - Agriculture, Congresso Nacional do Brasil
Submissions from 1990
Law Decree No. 118 - Structure, Organization and Operation of the National System of Environment Protection and the Rational Use of Natural Resources, Consejo del Estado
Law No. 1203 - Construction of Dam and Aqueduct, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Legislative Decree No. 613 - Environment and Natural Resources Code, Presidente de la República del Perú
Submissions from 1989
Law No. 1048 - Kitarje Dam, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Submissions from 1988
Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, Assembléia Nacional Constituinte do Brasil
Law No. 992 - Power Plant, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Submissions from 1987
Decree No. 33-87 - Central America Electrification Council, Congreso Nacional de Honduras
Law No. 8 - Hydrocarbons Law, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Law No. 940 - Multiple Project Rio Grande-Rosita, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
National Decree 247 - Mutual Cooperation Agreement for the Electrical Interconnection and Technical Notes, Secretaria de Energía
Submissions from 1986
Decree No. 68-86 - Law of the Protection and Improvement of the Environment, Congreso de la Republica de Guatemala
Law 23.390 - Agreement of Implementation of the Energy Interconnection Agreement of 02/12/1974, El Gobierno de la República Argentina
Law No. 893 - Supply of Energy, Congreso Nacional de Bolivia
Submissions from 1983
Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador (1983), Organo Legislativo de El Salvador
Decreto No. 115 - Technical and Energy State Inspection Areas, Consejo del Estado
Law Decree No. 109-83 - Hydrocarbons Law, Ministerio de Energía y Minas
Law Decree No. 70 - National Energy Commission, Consejo del Estado
Submissions from 1982
Law Decree No. 56 - Regulation for the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, Consejo del Estado
Submissions from 1981
Law Decree No. 626 - Hydrocarbons Law, Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno de El Salvador
Submissions from 1979
Petroleum Act, Ministry of Justice
Submissions from 1978
Law No 2224 - Creates National Energy Commission, Ministerio de Minería, Chile
Submissions from 1977
Law No. 128 - Establishes Puerto Rico's Public Policy on Energy, Administración de Asuntos Energéticos, Puerto Rico
Law No. 14.694 - National Electricity Law, Consejo del Estado
Submissions from 1976
Decree for the encouragement of mineral exploration on any territory of the Republic and adaptation of the existing legal structures to the realities of the mining industry, Bureau des Mines et de L'energie
Law 5961 - Geothermal Energy, La Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica
Law No. 18 - Fortune Hydroelectric Project, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Submissions from 1975
Law No. 76 - Authorizes the Hydraulic Resources and Electrification Institute to Execute Contracts with A.B. (SKANSKA CEMENTJUTERIET, ASEA, BOFORS - NOHAB Y (VBB) VATTENBYGGNADSBYRAN, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Law No. 77 - Authorizes the Hydraulic Resources and Electrification Institute the Credit Application with SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN, Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá
Submissions from 1974
The Petroleum Taxes Act, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Submissions from 1972
Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama, Gobierno de Panamá
Submissions from 1970
Law Decree No. 169 - Regulating Law for the Storage, Transportation and Distribution of Oil Products, Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de El Salvador
Submissions from 1966
Forest Law of Soil and Water, Congreso de la Republica de Venezuela