University Libraries & Learning Sciences Faculty and Staff Publications
The Faculty of the University Libraries of the University of New Mexico welcomes you to browse our publications, research, and creative works.
Submissions from 2025
AI Literacy: A Guide for Academic Libraries, Leo S. Lo
AI Literacy for All: A Universal Framework, Leo S. Lo
Nuestra Señora de Belén Catholic Church, Belen, New Mexico – Burials Register Extractions 1800-1860, Samuel E. Sisneros
Submissions from 2024
Orígenes sociales de las enfermedades culturales entre los ngawbere del norte de la península Valiente: El caso de chakore y ha ko botika, Keith V. Bletzer and Milton Machuca-Galvez
Evaluating AI Literacy in Academic Libraries: A Survey Study with a Focus on U.S. Employees, Leo S. Lo
The Gutiérrez-Hubbell Estate: A Census Study of Intergenerational Intersections of a Family and their Servants, Samuel E. Sisneros
2023 Learning & Outreach Services (UNM University Libraries) Assessment Framework, Holly M. Surbaugh and Olivia Baca
Harvest: A Lorenzo Candelaria Story, Emmett Williams and Dayna Diamond
Submissions from 2023
Pursuing Social Justice Through Visual Practice: Intro to Part IV, Stephanie Beene
Reading Images on the Wall: The Camera Obscura in the Academic Library, Stephanie Beene and Meggan Gould
Library workers on the front lines of conspiracy theories in the US: one nationwide survey, Stephanie Beene and Katie Greer
Digital Archive Kits: Accessibility and Flexibility, Glenn Koelling
The CLEAR Path: A Framework for Enhancing Information Literacy through Prompt Engineering, Leo S. Lo
It's Harder Than it Looks: How Students Identify Original Research Articles in an Undergraduate Biology Course, Alyssa Russo and Amy Jankowski
The Value of Belonging: A Comparison of Professional Organizations' Membership Benefits, Laura Soito and Amy Jankowski
Reading Images With A Critical Eye: Teaching Strategies For Academic Librarians, Dana Statton Thompson and Stephanie Beene
Served Fresh Daily: Welcoming Students with an On-site, Asynchronous Tour, Adrienne Warner
Display of Plenty: Addressing Food Insecurity on Campus, Adrienne Warner, Sarita Cargas, and Sarah Johnson
Submissions from 2022
Bajo condiciones impuestas: Los indios guaymíes y las multinacionales mineras en Panamá, Chris N. Gjording and Milton Machuca-Galvez
Does proactivity drive use? Understanding growth in chat reference services, David A. Hurley and Adrienne Warner
Innovadores Guaymíes: Un estudio de caso de emprendedores en una sociedad de menor complejidad socioeconómica., Milton R.A. Machuca-Gálvez PhD, MLIS and John R. Bort PhD
NGAWBE: Tradición y cambio entre los guaymí del occidente de Panamá, Milton R.A. Machuca-Gálvez and Phil D. Young PhD
Mental Health and Online Learning - Systematic Review Dataset, Stephanie L. Moore PhD, George Veletsianos, and Michael Barbour
Word Document Example of a -Zine, Christian Jon Peshlakai, Midjourney, and https://howtodotechystuff.wordpress.com/2019/11/20/heres-a-word-label-template-for-printing-an-8-page-zine-from-one-a4-sheet/
Planning and Implementing a Virtual Open House, 2021-2022, Holly M. Surbaugh and Adrienne Warner
Submissions from 2021
A call to action for librarians: Countering conspiracy theories in the age of QAnon, Stephanie Beene and Katie Greer
Quick Pivots: Maintaining an Agile Approach to Outreach During an Evolving Crisis, Holly M. Surbaugh
Planning and Hosting a Virtual Science-Fiction Event Series, Holly M. Surbaugh and Glenn Koelling
Submissions from 2020
From Theory to Platform: Designing Software to Support Online Wisdom Communities, Casey Frechette, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, and Ludmila Layne
Culturally Inclusive Online Learning for Capacity Development Projects in International Contexts, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Distributed Co-Mentoring as a Means to Develop Culturally Inclusive Online Learning Communities, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Gayathri Jayatilleke, Geetha Kulasekara, and Malinda Kumarasinha
Online Assessment Methods for Student-Centered Learning: Active Learning, Collaboration, and Application with Authentic Assessment, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Stephanie L. Moore PhD, Linda Barril, and Kathiravelu Thabotharan
Online Course Design for Student Centered Learning, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena and Neelakshi Chandrasena Premawardhena
The Mystery Room: Discovering the flexibility of an information literacy-based educational escape room, Glenn Koelling and Alyssa Russo
DISC Open House, September 30, 2020, Sarah R. Kostelecky, Margie Montanez, and Amy E. Winter MPA
Instructional and Institutional Planning Guide for Online and Blended Instruction, Stephanie L. Moore PhD
Less is More: A Case Study of Consolidating Two Database A–Z Lists for Better Staff and User Experiences, Todd Quinn
Employing Social Learning Analytic Methods (SLAMs) to Reimagine the Social Dynamic of Online Learning Collaborations, Damien Sanchez, Nick Flor, and Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
The Zimmerman Library Mural in the National Register of Historic Places: A Working Paper and Timeline, Samuel E. Sisneros
Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal (RAMP) Workflow Documentation and Data Definition, Jon Wheeler and Kenning Arlitsch
Submissions from 2019
Cultural Humility in Libraries, David A. Hurley, Sarah Kostelecky, and Lori Townsend
Shifting Focus: The Potential of the Cultural Humility Approach in Libraries, David Hurley, Sarah Kostelecky, and Lori Townsend
Biology Student Perceptions of Information Literacy Instruction in the Context of an Essential Skills Workshop Series, Amy Jankowski and Yadéeh E. Sawyer
Finding the Sonic Sweet Spot: Implementing a Noise Management Program in a Library Learning Commons, Cindy Pierard and Olivia Baca
Learning with Students in the Sandbox: Our Stories (chapter 2), Cindy Pierard, Suzanne M. Schadl, and Amy S. Jackson
The Library as a Lab for Student Work (chapter 3), Cindy Pierard, Suzanne M. Schadl, and Amy S. Jackson
Undesirable Difficulties: Investigating Barriers to Students' Learning with Ebooks in a Semester-length Course, Cindy Pierard, Vanessa Lynn Svihla, Susanne K. Clement, and Bing-Shan Fazio
Strategic Source Evaluation: Addressing the Container Conundrum, Alyssa Russo, Amy Jankowski, Stephanie Beene, and Lori Townsend
Belén Plaza Vieja and Colonial Church Preservation and Interpretive Plan, Samuel Sisneros
Paper Presented at the National Council of Preservation Education Conference, Samuel E. Sisneros
Recovering Abiquiú’s Lost Church Records, Samuel E. Sisneros
Student Activism and the Three Peoples Paintings: Challenging Settler Mythology at the University of New Mexico, Samuel E. Sisneros and Samuel Sisneros
Submissions from 2018
Artworks from "Desert Divinity" Exhibit, Kevin J. Comerford
"It was information based": Student Reasoning when Distinguishing Between Scholarly and Popular Sources, Amy Jankowski, Alyssa Russo, and Lori Townsend
Motley Crew: Collaboration across an Academic Library to Revive an Orphaned Collection, Amy Jankowski, Anne Schultz, and Laura Soito
I AM My Hair, and My Hair is Me: #BlackGirlMagic in LIS, Teresa Y. Neely PhD
The Jackie Robinson of Library Science: Twenty Years Later, Teresa Y. Neely
Santo Tomás Apóstol de Abiquiú Church, Abiquiú, New Mexico - Burial Register Extractions 1777-1827, Samuel Sisneros
1790 Census of Belén, New Mexico, Samuel E. Sisneros
Degrees Conferred by UNM: Dataset, Amy E. Winter and Mary C. Wise
Submissions from 2017
Cultural Perspectives on Social Presence: Research and Practical Guidelines for Online Design, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Teaching with the Framework: a Cephalonian Approach, David A. Hurley and Robin Potter
Digitized Archival Primary Sources in STEM: A Selected Webliography, Amy Jankowski
Extending Data Curation Service Models for Academic Library and Institutional Repositories, Jon Wheeler
Beyond Discovery: Cross-Platform Application of Ecological Metadata Language in Support of Quality Assurance and Control, Jon Wheeler, Mark Servilla, and Kristin Vanderbilt
Submissions from 2016
How to Design Culturally Inclusive Online Learning Experiences, Casey Frechette, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, and Ludmila Layne
Analyzing Social Construction of Knowledge Online by Employing Interaction Analysis, Learning Analytics, and Social Network Analysis, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Nick V. Flor, David Gomez, and Damien Sanchez
Negotiating Cultural Spaces in an International Mobile and Blended Learning Project, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Agnieszka Palalas, Nicole Berezin, Caitlin Legere, Gretchen Kramer, and Godwin Amo-Kwao
Culture and Coping: A Qualitative Study of a Sri Lankan Village Post Tsunami, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Damien Sanchez, Piyadasa Kodituwakku, Michael Hollifield, Chandanie Hewage, Kalum Bopagoda, and Krishantha Weerarathnege
Data Curation and the Arts: How Do Musicians Curate Their Data?, Amy S. Jackson, Jon Wheeler, and Todd Quinn
American Indian women in academic libraries: Progress and challenges., Sarah R. Kostelecky
Developing a LIWC Dictionary: The lyrical poetry of 2PAC, Frank Waln, Litefoot, and Nataanii Means, Teresa Y. Neely, Sarah Kostelecky, Monica Etsitty Dorame, and Jorge Ricardo López-McKnight
Learning Commons Reference Collections in ARL Libraries, Cindy Pierard and Sever Bordeianu
Belén’s Plaza Vieja and Colonial Church Site: Memory, Continuity and Recovery, Samuel E. Sisneros
Submissions from 2015
Reviewing Political Controversy: Book Reviewers Assess Childrens Literature Set in Israel/Palestine, Christina M. Desai
Data Services and the Performing Arts, Amy Jackson, Jon Wheeler, and Todd Quinn
From “My Block” to “Born on the Rez”: A Linguistic Analysis of Lyrics by 2PAC, Frank Waln, Litefoot, Nataanii Means, and Night Shield, Teresa Y. Neely, Sarah Kostelecky, Jorge Ricardo Lopez-McKnight, and Monica Etsitty Dorame
Let the Sun Shine In: Promoting Civic Engagement with Sunshine Week, Cindy Pierard, Josefine Smith, and Caitlin Wells
Chasing Sound: Technology, Culture and the Art of Studio Recording from Edison to the LP, Robin Potter
Can I Leave Early? : Using the Cephalonian Method for First-Year Library Instruction, Robin Potter and David Hurley
Collection Revitalization at the University of New Mexico Libraries, Samuel E. Sisneros
Functional Requirements Specification for Archival Asset Management: Identification and Integration of Essential Properties of Services Oriented Architecture Products, Jon Wheeler and Karl Benedict
Submissions from 2014
The Columbus Myth: Power and Ideology in Picturebooks About Christopher Columbus, Christina M. Desai
Globalization, Culture, and Online Distance Learning, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Online Identity and Interaction, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Supporting Diverse Online Learners, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Music, Sound and Technology in America: A Documentary History of Early Phonograph, Cinema and Radio., Robin Potter
Executive MBA students' information skills and knowledge, Todd Quinn and Lora Leligdon
Democracy, Cultural Agency and Digital Bits: Saving ASAROs Blog, Suzanne M. Schadl
Getting Up Pal Pueblo: Documenting cross border debates through visual storytelling, Suzanne M. Schadl
Getting Up Pal Pueblo: Tagging ASAR-Oaxaca Prints and Stencils, Suzanne M. Schadl and Mike Graham de la Rosa
Submissions from 2013
Albuquerque: 300 Years of History from the Center for Southwest Research, Nancy Brown-Martinez
eHillerman: The Tony Hillerman Portal, Kevin Comerford
Using Drupal as an Information Resource Platform: The Celebrating New Mexico Statehood Project, Kevin Comerford
Information needs and research practices of graduate students in the master's in development practice program, Liz Cooper and Joann Jacoby
Culture and Online Distance Learning, Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena
Multi-Institutional Library Collaboration and the Future of Scholarly Collections, Steven R. Harris
User-Driven Collections: Barriers to Implementation, Steven R. Harris
Interaction Between Departments: Strategies for Improving Interdepartmental Collaboration through Communication, Rebecca L. Lubas and Sever Bordeianu
The Armendárizes: A Transnational Family in New Mexico and Mexico, Samuel E. Sisneros