University Libraries & Learning Sciences Faculty and Staff Publications
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The researchers developed a dictionary, DKL-MN2016, to use the LIWC (http://liwc.wpengine.com/) software to analyze the lyrics of 4 activist, rapper, hiphop artists who are men of color, to answer two research questions: Do Native American male rappers address socioeconomic issues in their lyrics? and How does the lyrical content of Native American male rappers compare Tupac Shakur’s lyrical content written before 1996?
Presented at the National Diversity in Libraries 2016 Conference (#NDLIC'16), Los Angeles, CA, August 10-13, 2016
Language (ISO)
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, LIWC, dictionary, Tupac Shakur, 2Pac, Nataanii Means, Frank Waln, Litefoot, Gary Paul Davis, hiphop, rap, lyrics, poetry
Recommended Citation
Neely, Teresa Y.; Sarah Kostelecky; Monica Etsitty Dorame; and Jorge Ricardo López-McKnight. "Developing a LIWC Dictionary: The lyrical poetry of 2PAC, Frank Waln, Litefoot, and Nataanii Means." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ulls_fsp/110