The University of New Mexico School of Law faculty bring a diversity of backgrounds, professional interests and outlooks to legal education. This collection showcases the range of scholarship by current and emeritus faculty, including law journals, bar journals, briefs, testimony, op-eds, presentations, blog posts or blawgs, and interviews. Email your questions about this collection to libref [at]
Submissions from 2019
Preserving Habeas Corpus for Asylum Seekers Just When They Need It Most, Jennifer Moore
A New Associate’s Field Guide to Partner Compensation, Joseph A. Schremmer
Red River, White Law, Laura Spitz
It’s Still Me: Safeguarding Vulnerable Transgender Elders, Sarah Steadman
Book Review: Jonathan P. Thompson, River of Lost Souls: The Science, Politics, and Green Behind the Gold King Mine Disaster (2018), Clifford J. Villa
Gold King Mine Spill: Environmental Law and Legal Protections for Environmental Responders, Clifford J. Villa
Let's Talk Protecting Endangered Species, Clifford J. Villa, Ty Bannerman, Will Cavin, Taylor Jones, and Ari Biernoff
Submissions from 2018
Universities as "Sanctuaries", Maryam Ahranjani
What Does Immigration Status Have to do with Law School, Maryam Ahranjani
Searchlight New Mexico interviews Maryam Ahranjani on the Prisonization of America's Public Schools, Maryam Ahranjani and Sara Solovitch
Federalism and the State Police Power: Why Immigration and Customs Enforcement Must Stay Away from State Courthouses, George Bach
Albuquerque Journal interviews Reed Benson, Supreme Court hears NM-Texas water dispute, Reed D. Benson
Keeping Power in Charge: Federal Hydropower and the Downstream Environment, Reed D. Benson
Evaluating Intellectual Disability: Clinical Assessments in Atkins Cases, James W. Ellis, Caroline Everington, and Ann M. Delpha
Constructing the First Year Experience: Improving Retention and Graduation Rates at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Sonia M. Gipson Rankin, Tim Schroeder, Joe Suilmann, and Pamela Cheek
Federal Indian Law, Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora
Brief for Southwest Indian Law Clinic as Amici Curiae, United States v. Smith, Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora and Barbara L. Creel
Comment in Support of Proposal 2018-006 Immigration status of bar applicants (Rule 15-103(B)(7)), Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora and New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, Board of Directors
Hearsay in New Mexico, Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora and Linda Vanzi, Chief Judge
KOB-TV interviews Kastenberg on the Stolen Valor Act, Joshua E. Kastenberg
Safeguarding Judicial Integrity during the Trump Presidency: Richard Nixon's Attempt to Impeach Justice William O. Douglas and the Use of National Security as a Case Study, Joshua E. Kastenberg
The History of the University of New Mexico School of Law Librarians' Fight for Faculty Status and Equal Voting Rights, Ernesto A. Longa
TaxProf Article of the Week: Serge Martinez (New Mexico), Why are We Doing this? Cognitive Science and Nondirective Supervision in Clinical Teaching, Serge A. Martinez
HLS 200: A Latina's Story about the Bicentennial, Margaret E. Montoya
KUNM Interviews Jennifer Moore about refugees, asylum, and international law, Jennifer Moore
New Mexico’s Renewable Portfolio Standard: Analysis of Existing Policy Design Elements and Compliance Obligations Beyond 2020, Gabriel Pacyniak
Using Empirical studies as a Basis for Updating Intestacy Laws, Sergio Pareja
New Mexico Tribal Cannabis: Policy, Politics, & Guidance for Government-to-Government Cooperation in State-Tribal Cannabis Compacting, Matthew Ramírez
Bloomberg Law interviews Elizabeth Rapaport; Trump’s Pardons Quicker Than Obama’s, But ‘Haphazard’, Elizabeth Rapaport
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A View From the #MeToo Era, Elizabeth Rapaport
Property Provisions of the Joint Operating Agreement: An Update for the New 2015 Form JOA, Alex Ritchie and Gary B. Conine
Brief for the Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association as Amicus Curiae, Joseph A. Schremmer
The Curious Policy Implications of In re SemCrude: Do Crude Oil Markets Need a Volcker Rule?, Joseph A. Schremmer
Imputing Regulatory Failures in Oil and Gas Licensing: A Discussion and Proposal, Joseph A. Schremmer and Charles C. Steincamp
Brief for Professors, Lamar, Archer & Cofrin, LLP v. R. Scott Appling as Amicus Curiae, Laura Spitz
Human "Being", Laura Spitz
Es FEMA El Problema? Hurricane Maria and the Slow Road to Recovery in Puerto Rico, Clifford J. Villa
Submissions from 2017
The Prisonization of America's Public Schools, Maryam Ahranjani
We've Got Letters, Maryam Ahranjani
Public News Service interviews Mary Pareja and Maryam Ahranjani, NM Law Professors Join Opposition to Sessions at U.S. Attorney General, Maryam Ahranjani and Mary Leto Pareja
Is there a right to life for the Colorado River?, Reed D. Benson
Reviewing Reservoir Operations: Can Federal Water Projects Adapt to Change?, Reed D. Benson
Consumer Credit in America: Past, Present, and Future, Pamela Foohey, Jim Hawkins, Creola Johnson, and Nathalie Martin
Brief for Association of Commerce & Industry as Amici Curiae, Beaudry v. Farmers Insurance Exchange, et al., Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora
Manual on Pro Bono Appeals Programs for State Court Appeals, Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora
Brief for Washington Legal Foundation as Amici Curiae, Arguedas v. Seawright, Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora and Harrold D. Stratton
Chief Justice William Howard Taft's Conception of Judicial Integrity: The Legal History of Tumey v. Ohio, Joshua E. Kastenberg
San Francisco Chronicle Interviews Joshua Kastenberg About President Trump's Missle Strike on Syrian Airfield (Experts see Trump strike as illegal unless U.S. under threat or U.N. authorizes), Joshua E. Kastenberg
Command Responsibility in the Twenty-First Century: The United States Basic Framework and Future Military (and Quasi-Military) Operations, Joshua E. Kastenberg
The New York Times interviews Kastenberg on the history of the military charge: misbehavior before the enemy, Joshua E. Kastenberg
Puzder is the Wrong Person for the Job, Serge A. Martinez
Right Scholarship and the Goddesses of Commercial Law, Nathalie Martin
What Communities Can Do to Rein in Payday Lending: Strategies for Successful Local Ordinance Campaigns Through a Texas Lens, Nathalie Martin and Robert Mayer
The Power of Community Action:Anti‐Payday Loan Ordinances in Three Metropolitan Areas, Nathalie Martin, Robert N. Mayer, and Steve Graves
Community Engagement and Social Activism in Legal, Aliza Organick
An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in New Jersey, Gabriel Pacyniak
Making the Most of Cooperative Federalism: What the Clean Power Plan has Already Achieved, Gabriel Pacyniak
Reducing Transportation Emissions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic: Fuel System Considerations, Gabriel Pacyniak, Drew Veysey, and James Bradbury
New Strategies for Reducing Transportation Emissions and Preparing for Climate Impacts, Gabriel Pacyniak, Kathryn Zyla, and Vicki Arroyo
Law Schools Harm Genízaros and other Indigenous People by Misunderstanding ABA Policy, Bill Piatt, Moises Gonzales, and Katja Wolf
A Reexamination and Reformulation of the Habendum Clause Paying Quantities Standard Under Oil and Gas Leases, Alex Ritchie
Oil and Gas Secured Transactions in Kansas, Joseph A. Schremmer
The Law and the Human, Laura Spitz
U.S. Nonprofit Activity in Cuba: Challenges in Cuban Law and Practice, Laura Spitz, Elizabeth Brundige, Lucía Domínguez Cisneros, and Eduardo Peñalve
Is the "Act of God" Dead?, Clifford J. Villa
Brief for The Council of University Presidents on Legislative Council v Martinez as Amicus Curiae, No. S-1-SC-36422, Kevin Washburn
Comment re Rule 10 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice for the District Courts, Kevin Washburn
Courts Also Won (Albuquerque) Mayoral Election, Kevin Washburn
What the Future Holds: The Changing Landscape of Federal Indian Policy, Kevin Washburn
Explaining the Modernized Leasing and Right-of-Way Regulations for Indian Lands, Kevin Washburn and Jody Cummings
Submissions from 2016
The Free Blacks of Virginia: A Personal Narrative, A Legal Construct, Sherri L. Burr
Montana Standard interviews Barbara Creel on the Violence Against Women Act and Double Standards, Barbara L. Creel
Supreme Court Brief interviews Creel, Barbara L. Creel
Brief for Barbara L. Creel and the Tribal Defender Network, US v. Bryant, Barbara L. Creel and John LaVelle
High Court Denies Rights of Natives, Barbara L. Creel and John LaVelle
Brief for The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), and The ARC of the United States as Amicus Curiae, James W. Ellis, Ann M. Delpha, Carol M. Suzuki, Steven Homer, David Stout, and April Land
Dateline New Mexico's Tom Trowbridge interviews John LaVelle on U.S. Government Violates the Constitution, John P. LaVelle
Uncounseled convictions a threat to Indians, John P. LaVelle
A Legal History of the Civil War and Reconstruction: A Nation of Rights by Laura F. Edwards, Jennifer Laws
Inviting Everyone to the (Risk) Pool Party: Reforming the Premium Tax Credit to Boost Participation, Mary Leto Pareja
CNN Money interviews Serge Martinez, My Chipotle nightmare, Serge A. Martinez
Why are We Doing This? Cognitive Science and Nondirective Supervision in Clinical Teaching, Serge A. Martinez
Survival in the Face of Scarcity: The Undocumented Immigrant Experience, Nathalie Martin
Habeas Corpus in New Mexico, Max Minzner
Engendering Peace and Justice after Armed Conflict: A Call for Qualitative Research among Women's Community Networks, Jennifer Moore
Talking with Women about Community Healing in Uganda and Sierra Leone, Jennifer Moore
State Innovation on Climate Change: Reducing Emissions from Key Sectors While Preparing for a New Normal, Gabriel Pacyniak
Reviving the Dead Hand After Repeal of the Rule Against Perpetuities, Sergio Pareja
Fracking in Louisiana: The Missing Process/Land Use Distinction in State Preemption and Opportunities for Local Participation, Alex Ritchie
Brief for Professors as Amicus Curiae, Husky International Electronics Inc. v. Daniel Lee Ritz Jr., Laura Spitz
Brief for Professors, Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corp. as Amicus Curiae, Laura Spitz
From Out to In: The Opportunity and Need for Clinical Law Programs to Effectively Serve Low-Income LGBT Individuals, Sarah Steadman
Flint Drinking Water Contamination: Frames of Reference, Clifford J. Villa
KSFR Santa Fe's Here and There with David Marash interviews Clifford Villa, Clifford J. Villa
The Dawning of Disaster Law, Clifford J. Villa
Cedar Mesa Proposal Good for All, Kevin Washburn
Modrall Sperling interviews Kevin Washburn about Indian law and returning to New Mexico, Kevin Washburn
Recurring Issues in Indian Gaming Compact Approval, Kevin Washburn