"Brief for Association of Commerce & Industry as Amici Curiae, Beaudry " by Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora

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Plaintiff-Appellee Craig Beaudry seeks to make New Mexico the sole jurisdiction in the nation in which the mere act of enforcing an arms-length contract against a breach- lawfully and in compliance with the contract's negotiated terms--can result in the enforcing party being liable under tort to pay compensatory and punitive damages to the breaching party. Affirming such a rule would upend long-established business principles and expectations; convolute fundamental distinctions between contract and tort law; materially invade and alter established bodies of substantive law in other areas; and create bad law and even worse policy for the people and businesses of New Mexico by creating an unpredictable business environment, increasing the costs of doing business, overburdening the judiciary with unnecessary litigation, stifling economic growth, and discouraging investment in the state.

Publication Title

New Mexico Supreme Court


No. S-1-SC-36181

First Page


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