"Why are We Doing This? Cognitive Science and Nondirective Supervision " by Serge A. Martinez

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-1-2016


In this article, I examine the idea of nondirective supervision in clinical education in theory and practice in light of recent findings in educational research. In Part I, I examine the theory and practice of nondirective supervision in clinical education. In Part II, I explore the history of nondirective supervisory pedagogy and how it may have developed in clinical education. In Part III, I look at the latest evidence and theories from educational research, where a large body of empirical evidence supports the value of explicit guidance for novice learners in certain settings. Finally, in Part IV, I apply this knowledge to clinical pedagogy and urge clinicians to accept the possibility that directive supervision can be a good thing for our students, to be more conscious of developments in educational theory and research than we have been and to generate and then apply our own empirical evidence to inform our decisions about guidance for clinical students and assess clinical pedagogy and theory.

Publication Title

Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy





First Page


Included in

Law Commons



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