"Brief for The Council of University Presidents on Legislative Council " by Kevin Washburn

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On April 7, 2017, the Governor exercised an extraordinary line-item veto of portions of the Fiscal Year 2018 appropriation bill eliminating all funding for the Legislature and for higher education in New Mexico. Governor's House Executive Message No. 56 (April 7, 2017), Petitioner's Exhibit D, at 3-7. Amici have a fiduciary responsibility to their institutions to advocate for a resolution quickly to mitigate the many harms caused by this budget crisis. CUP takes no position on the outcome of this action, but Amici do request that this case be decided expeditiously so that other constitutional actors do not waste time wondering what the Court will do.


The New Mexico Legislative Council




Higher Education, Susana Martinez, Fiscal Crisis, New Mexico Supreme Court



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