Organization, Information and Learning Sciences ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-14-2021


Using creative autoethnographic testimonio (CAT), a story is told about the injustices within the learning environment and work environment of higher education toward a person with disabilities: sleep apnea, learning disabilities, negative mental health. The author explores the health difficulties of addressing sleep deprivation while attending graduate school and working full-time as a professional. With sleep apnea impacting his health, his mental health declines. As his health declines, there is an increase in discrimination, hostility, oppression, bullying, and toxic masculinity. Initially, the medical system dismisses his declining health and refuses to look further into it. Once he receives medical care to address his sleep apnea, he begins to address problems within the learning and work environment. His experiences teach him stigmas of disability continue to impact people within higher education and the urgent need for universal design.

Degree Name

Organization, Information and Learning Sciences

Level of Degree


Department Name

Organization, Information & Learning Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Frances C. Wilkinson

Second Committee Member

Margie Montanez

Third Committee Member

Frank G. Perez

Fourth Committee Member

Randall Starling

Fifth Committee Member

Joan Green

Project Sponsors





disabilities, injustice, autoethnography, testimonio, sleep apnea, creativity

Document Type



For inquiries, please contact Leonel A. Diaz Jr.,PhD, at
