Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Volume 74 (2024) Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 74, 2024
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Conference Advances in SuperHyperStructures and Applied Neutrosophic Theories, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador, 28-29 November 2024} Vol. 74.
Florentin Smarandache and Maikel Leyva-Vázquez
Study of the Efficacy of Neural Mobilizations to Improve Sensory and Functional Responses of Lower Extremities in Older Adults with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Using Plithogenic n-SuperHyperGraphs
Lisbeth J. Reales-Chacón, María E. Lucena de Ustáriz, Francisco J. Ustáriz-Fajardo, Andrea C. Peñafiel Luna, Gabriela J. Bonilla-Ayala, Pablo Djabayan-Djibeyan, José L. Erazo-Parra, and Mónica A. Valdiviezo-Maygua
Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties of Hedyosmum cuatrecazanum Occhioni Essential Oil: A Promising Natural Alternative Studied Using Neutrosophic SuperHyperSoft Sets
María Eugenia Lucena de Ustáriz, Francisco Javier Ustáriz-Fajardo, Adriana Monserrath Monge Moreno, Adriana Isabel Rodríguez Basantes, Lisbeth Josefina Reales Chacón, Rosa Elisa Cruz Tenempaguay, Verónica Paulina Cáceres Manzano, and Nathaly Kassandra Moscoso Moreno
Analysis of the Evolution of Social Competence in Students Through Research Methods Based on Neutrosophic Sets
Huberto Tito Hinostroza Robles, María Teresa Cabanillas López, and Fidel Denis Huasco Espinoza
Gender Gap in SME Ownership: An Analysis of Female Entrepreneurship in Santa Elena Canton, Ecuador, Using TreeSoft Sets
Lorena Gisella Reyes Tomala, Lilia Esther Valencia Cruzaty, Arturo Gustavo Benavides Rodríguez, and Jacqueline Del Rocío Bacilio Bejeguen
Impact of Irrigation Water Technification on Seven Directories of the San Juan-Patoa River Using Plithogenic n-SuperHyperGraphs Based on Environmental Indicators in the Canton of Pujilí, 2021
Yenson Vinicio Mogro Cepeda, Marco Antonio Riofrío Guevara, Emerson Javier Jácome Mogro, and Rachele Piovanelli Tizano
Tree Tobacco Extract (Nicotiana glauca) as a Plithogenic Bioinsecticide Alternative for Controlling Fruit Fly (Drosophila immigrans) using n-SuperHyperGraphs
Emerson Jácome Mogro, Jaime Rojas Molina, Gustavo José Sandoval Cañas, and Pablo Herrera Soria
Analysis of the Impact of Soft Skills on Organizational Competitiveness in Cotopaxi through Modeling of the Plithogenic IADOV
Evelyn Alexandra Tovar Molina, Angelita Elizabeth Romero Poveda, Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño, and Kelly Nicole Punina Salazar
Neutrosophic statistical analysis of cardiovascular disease prevention from a physical culture in urban communities
Dennys Raúl Dupotey Hernández and Darvin Manuel Ramíerez Guerra
English for specific purposes in the medical sciences to strengthen the professional profile of the higher education medicine student: a knowledge representation using SuperHyperSoft Sets
Oswaldo Edison García Brito, Andrea Sofía Ribadeneira Vacacela, Carmen Hortensia Sánchez Burneo, and Mónica Cecilia Jimbo Galarza
Plithogenic Statistical Analysis of Labor Demand and its Impact on Stability in the Floricultural Sector
Wilson Eduardo Faz Cevallos, Andrea Nicole Faz Tapia, Valeria Jessnia Faz Tapia, and Clara de las Mercedes Razo Ascazubi
A Neutrosophic Approach to Analyzing Determining Factors in RIMPE Tax Collection in Ecuador
Myrian del Rocío Hidalgo Achig, Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera, and Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño
Integration of Fuzzy Set Theory and Neutrosophic Sets for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Inclusive Service to Native Communities of Ucayali
Teófilo Meza Taipe, Jacobo Romero Quispe, Eladio Guzmán Villa, Patricio Aparicio Santiago Saturnino, Edwin Collazos Paucar, and Adrián Alejandro Flores Konja
Study of Sound Pressure Levels through the Creation of Noise Maps in the Urban Area of Latacunga City using Plithogenic n-Superhypergraphs
José Luis Agreda Oña, Andrés Sebastián Moreno Ávila, and Matius Rodolfo Mendoza Poma
Uncertain Automata and Uncertain Graph Grammar
Takaaki Fujita and Florentin Smarandache
Evaluation of Agronomic Performance of two Varieties of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.), INIAP 440 - Quitumbe and INIAP 442 - Sultana, using Neutrosophic Superhypersoft sets
Karina Paola Marín Quevedo, Cristian Santiago Jiménez Jacome, Ángel Rubén Murillo Ilbay, and Isabel Chávez
A Neutrosophic Framework for Artificial Immune Systems
Antonios Paraskevas and Florentin Smarandache
Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases Using Predictive Models Based on Deep Learning Techniques: A Hybrid Neutrosophic AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Model Selection
Julio Barzola-Monteses, Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz, Franklin Parrales-Bravo, Cristhian Medina-Suarez, Wendy Yanez-Pazmino, David Zabala-Blanco, and Maikel Y. Leyva-Vazquez
Pre- and Post-harvest Application of Ethylene in Bulb Onion (Allium Cepa l.) Hybrid 'Burguesa' Using Plithogenic n-SuperHyperGraphs
Giovana Paulina Parra Gallardo, Alicia Maribel Gualan Gualan, and María Monserrath Morales Padilla
Evaluation of the Impact of Government Audit on Quality Management, Based on Neutroalgebra Generated by the PROSPECTOR Function
Alexander Santos Silva Bernardo, Jeri Gloria Ramón Ruffner, David Sánchez Cruz, and Patricia Padilla-Vento
Creative Exploration of Yagé in Intrapersonal Discovery through the Plithogenic IADOV Method
Marcela Ximena Parra Pérez and Arleth M. Márquez Bermeo
Neutrosophic Analysis of Strategies to Improve Productivity in an Restaurant Chain
Efrén Gonzalo Montenegro Cueva and Milena Alejandra Napa Alcívar
Assessment of Academic Integrity in University Students Using a Hybrid Fuzzy-Neutrosophic Model under Uncertainty
Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres, Roger Martínez, Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz, Rosa Hernández-Magallanes, Douglas Iturburu-Salvador, Franklin Parrales-Bravo, and Maikel Leyva-Vázquez
Evaluation of Sustainable Agricultural Practices Using Organic Fertilizers for Soil Recovery in Salache: A Neutrosophic Superhypersoft Set Approach
Jorge Fabián Troya Sarzosa and Julio Cesar Alegre Orihuela
Sentiment Analysis and NeutroAlgebra to Evaluate Organizational Strategies and Performance Levels of Basic Education Teachers
Erick Félix Quesquén Alarcón, Hermenegildo Chaccara Huachaca, Luz Marina Sito Justiniano, Yessika Madelaine Abarca Arias, Mary Liz Mendoza Hidalgo, and Dante Manuel Macazana Fernández
Applying Neutrosophic Natural Language Processing to Analyze Complex Phenomena in Interdisciplinary Contexts
Diego Fernando Coka Flores, Ignacio Fernando Barcos Arias, María Elena Infante Miranda, and Omar Mar Cornelio
Application of the Plithogenic IADOV Approach to Evaluate Satisfaction with the Implementation of Indigenous Rights
Gıovanna Fernanda Vınueza Arroyo, Tanya Tupamara Camargo Martinez, Manuel Augusto Suarez Albıñol, and Joffre R. Paladines Rodriguez
Use of Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for a more complex representation of human perceptions
Juan Alberto Rojas Cardenas, Nelson Francisco Freire Sanchez, Alipio Absalon Cadena Pozo, and Karina Perez Teruel
Using the neutrosophic N-AHP method to prioritize variables and expert analysis
Oswaldo Lıber Andrade Salazar, Lenı Cecılıa Campaña Muñoz, Second Huacón Farm, and Angel Braulio Martinez Vasquez
Analysis of Genetic Components of Late Blight Resistance (Phytophthora infestans) in Potatoes (Solanum phureja) from Cutuglahua, Pichincha, Using Neutrosophic SuperHyperSoft Sets
Pablo Andrés Jaramillo Arias, Carlos Javier Torres Miño, Jorge Israel Rivadeneira Cepeda, and Hugo Xavier Cuesta Subia
Analyzing Internal and External Factors for Ecological Preservation in San Juan de Pastocalle: A Combined SWOT and Neutrosophic AHP Approach
Magaly Lucia Benalcázar Luna, Ana Lucía Naranjo, and Luis Fernando Muisin Salazar
Use of Delphi-AHP neutrosophic methods for the analysis of school indicators
Alex Fabian Solano Moreno, Carlos Javier Lizcano Charpeta, Beatrice Del Carmen Viteri Naranjo, and Jean Pierre Ramos-Carpio
Neutrosophic cognitive map for the analysis of substances subject to control
Bryan Joel Morales Sánchez, Cristian Fernando Benavides Salazar, Julio Cesar Benavides Salazar, Erika Estefanía Barreiro Cedeño, and Yusleidy Marlie Gordo Gómez
Insertion and use of multicriteria methods for neutrosophic judicial evaluation
Roberto Carlos Jiménez Martinez, María José Calderón Velásquez, Manuel Augusto Suarez Albiñol, and Yusleidy Marlie Gordo Gómez
Optimizing Tourism Offers with COPRAS-SVNS for Stress Reduction and Sustainability Promotion
Freddy Anaximandro Álvarez Lema, Manuel Antonio Abarca Zaquinaula, Milton Alberto Sampedro Arrieta, and Rodolfo Matius Mendoza Poma
Plithogenic Hypothesis on the Influence of Electronic Com-merce on Retail Sales Dynamics in Shopping Centers
Rosa Maria Criollo Delgado, Julio Cesar Vidal Rischmoller, and Eluard Alexander Mendoza Zenozain
Application of Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Tech-niques for Assessing Violations of Child Support Rights
Vanessa Lisseth Montenegro Altamirano, Jaime Rodrigo Cadena Morillo, Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, and Ricardo Sánchez Casanova
The Tourism Infrastructure of Rural Areas and Its Relationship with Visitor Satisfaction at the Tourist Destination Incorporating Neutrosophic Analysis of Uncertainty
Sofía G. Lovato-Torres, María T. Ortiz-Luzuriaga, Gissela M. Saltos-Santana, and Verónica Coronel-Pérez
Enhancing the Teaching-Learning Process through Neutrosophic Statistical Analysis of Professional Competencies and Metacognitive Strategies
Dante Manuel Macazana Fernandez; Wilder Fabio Ramos Palacios; Daniel Amílcar Pinto Pagaza,; Mary Liz Mendoza Hidalgo; Tula Margarita Espinoza Moreno; and Mayra Susan Albán Taipe
NCC: Neutrosophic Control Charts, a didactic way to detect Cardiac Arrhythmias from reading Electrocardiograms
Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres, Jefferson Núñez-Gaibor, Maikel Leyva-Vasquez, Víctor Gómez-Rodríguez, Franklin Parrales-Bravo, and Jesús Hechavarría-Hernández
Mixed Graph in Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, and Plithogenic
Takaaki Fujita and Florentin Smarandache
Neutrosophic evaluation through the PESTEL method
Nelly Valeria Vino Ocho, Teresa De Jesús Molino Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando Piñas Piñas, and Oscar José Alejo Machado
Evaluation of the Impact of the Use of Digital Skills on the Substantial Increase in Learning through the Neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach
Luis Fernando Blanco Ayala, Ricardo Edilberto Palacios Pérez, Jean Pierre Wong Silva, Bertha Silva Narvaste, Josué Joel Ríos Herrera, and Viviana Pastora Panchi Mayo
Applying Neutroalgebra and Neutrosophic Sentiment Analysis to Assess Last Mile Logistics Impact on Customer Experience
Rosa María Criollo Delgado, Julio Cesar Vidal Rischmoller, and Sergio Marcelo Palomino Criollo
Neutrosophic Set Theory in E-Commerce Evaluation: A Novel Approach to Sales Strategy Optimization
Benjhall Jordan Camargo Vilcapoma, Valia Ximena Huaman Coras, and Rosa María Criollo Delgado
Evaluation of anxiety-producing factors in the context of dental care using Delphi-AHP neutrosophic methods
Christian Esteban Gómez Carrión, Ruth Asela Saravia Alviar, Jessica Haydée Saravia Alviar, Brenda Roxana Vergara Pinto, Elca Rocío del Águila Gastelu, and Secundino Marrero Ramírez
Media Pressure and Pretrial Detention Requirements in Ucayali, Peru: A Study Based on Neutrosophic Measures
Alan Christian López Castillo, Edward Usaqui Barbaran, Miguel Oscar López Orellana, Aníbal Campos Barreto, Llesica Soria Ramirez, Wilmer Ortega Chávez, Víctor Tedy López Panaifo, and Alex Davis Astohuaman Huaranga
Effect of the 7P's of the Marketing Mix on the Sales Strategies of a Private University: a comprehensive analysis using the neutrosoph-ic PEST-SWOT approach
Danny Joseph Anthony Flores Villarruel and Rosa María Criollo Delgado
Evaluation of Public Policy Management in Strengthening Citizen Se-curity through the Plithogenic Hypothesis Approach
Julio Cesar Vidal Rischmoller, Rosa Maria Criollo Delgado, and Eluar Alexander Mendoza Zenozain
2-Tuple Linguistic Neutrosophic Numbers and Variance Analysis to Examine Citizenship Formation in the General Studies Programs at the Universities of Lima
Marco Antonio Tarifeño Ramírez, Ada Lucía Gallegos Ruiz Conejo, Héctor Félix Cerna Maguiña, Nancy Elizabeth Alberca Pintado, Carlos Edwin Rojas Saldívar, and Secundino Marrero Ramírez