
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems


This study focused on the evaluation of tourist packages in the Pichincha region, Ecuador, designed to combine sustainability and stress reduction. Its main objective was to identify the most effective alternatives using mul-ticriteria decision methods, incorporating neutrosophic logic as a key approach. Eight tourist packages were ana-lyzed, integrating activities such as reforestation, meditation, and rural tourism with organic gardens, all aimed at environmental sustainability and the emotional well-being of participants. Using the neutrosophic correlation method, the most relevant criteria for subsequent analysis were selected. The application of the COPRAS-SVNS method determined that the "Eco-destinations with electric bicycle" package represented the best option, as it op-timally balanced the objectives of sustainability and stress reduction. The study emphasized the relevance of neutrosophic logic in addressing the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in evaluating complex tourist alterna-tives.



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