History ETDs
For information about submitting your thesis or dissertation, or its availability here, please see the Overview of Thesis & Dissertation Policies and Procedures or contact the Office of Graduate Studies.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Columbus, New Mexico, and Palomas, Chihuahua: Transnational Landscapes of Violence, 1888-1930, Brandon Morgan
Americanization, Language Policy, and the Promise of Education: Public School Formation and Educational Attainment in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Nogales, Arizona, 1880-1942, Carlos Francisco Parra
Ranching in Northeastern New Mexico, Conchita Sintas
Salinas Pueblo Missions: The Early History, Jeanette L. Wolfe
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Legacy of Betrayal: A Trans-Atlantic Comparison of the Cherokee Removal and the Highland Clearances, Lisa Brown
Colorado Stories: Interpreting HIstory for Public Audiences at the History Colorado Center, William Convery III
Cooking for the Patria: The Seccion Femenina and the Politics of Food and Women during the Franco Years, Suzanne Dunai
Capital Mediators: American Mining Engineers in the U.S. Southwest and Mexico, 1850-1914, Sarah E.M. Grossman
Collaboration and Conflict: Organized Labor, Business, and the State in Post-Tlatelolco Mexico, Joseph Umberto Lenti
Political Mavens: Ruth Underhill, Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin, Gene Weltfish, Ella Deloria, and the Politics of Culture, Alessandra Link
Decline and Fall? The Institutional History of Post-Imperial Western Europe, AD 400-800, Ryan David McDaniel
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Crow History 1700-1950: A Political and Social Battle to Retain their Culture, Alden Big Man Jr.
A Journey to Freedom: The Life of Richard Oakes, 1942-1972, Kent Blansett
The Expanding Ecology of a Hot Commodity: A Century of Changes in the New Mexican Chile Pepper, William Carleton
The Infrastructure of Influence: Transnational Collaboration and the Spread of US Cultural Influence in Colombia, 1930s-1960s, David Andrew Corcoran
Sacrilege in Dinétah: Native Encounters with Glen Canyon Dam, Sonia Dickey
The Fight of the Century: The Regulation and Reform of Prizefighting in Progressive Era America, Margaret Frisbee
The Effectiveness of Allied Airborne Units on D-Day, Julian Landavazo
Dreams and Dust in the Black Hills: Race, Place, and National Identity in America's "Land of Promise", Elaine Marie Nelson
Gender, Power, and Authority in Indigenous Mexico City, 1700-1829, Margarita R. Ochoa
Philip St. George Cooke: On the Vanguard of Western Expansion with the U.S. Army, 1827-1848, Jeffrey V. Pearson
"There is a Threeness About You": Trinitarian Images of God, Self, and Community Among Medieval Women Visionaries, Donna E. Ray
Annie Oakley, Calamity Jane and the Myth of the West, Amy Reece
Well Built in Albuquerque: The Architecture of the Healthseeker Era, 1900-1940, Kristen Reynolds
Complicated Campuses: Universities, Middle-Class Politics, and State-Society Relations in Brazil, 1955-1990, Colin M. Snider
Negotiating Honor: Women and Slavery in Caracas, 1750-1854, Sue E. Taylor
Dynamo in the Desert: Energy Development and Environmental Contestation in the San Juan Basin, 1960-1985, S. Andrew Wakefield
The Pueblo Confederation's Political Wing: The All Indian Pueblo Council, 1920—1975, Robin S. Walden
Itaipú: Gender, Community, and Work in the Alto Paraná Borderlands, Brazil and Paraguay, 1954-1989., John Howard White
Lasting Marks: The Legacy of Robin Cassacinamon and the Survival of the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, Shawn Wiemann
An Evolving Main Street: The Impact of Urban Renewal on Downtown Las Cruces, New Mexico, 1966-1974, Hannah R. Wolberg
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Assembling Caliban: French and Other European Depictions of American Bodies in the Sixteenth Century, Matthew Berch
Fearless and Fit: American Women of the Cold War, Heather J. Dahl
Like a Moth to the Flame: Modernity and Mary Wigman 1886-1973, Mary Anne Santos Newhall
Cleaning Up After Sex: An Environmental History of Contraceptives in the United States, 1873—2010, Sarah Ruth Payne
Citizenship, Religion and Revolution in Cuba, Carolyn Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Chimeras and Jagunços: Positivist Discourse in Euclides da Cunha's Os Sertões, Justin Barber
"Sparks From Law's Anvil": The Evolution Controversies in New Mexico, 1925-2008, Peter Incaudo
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Progress is Painful: Race Relations and Education in Chicago Before The Great Migration, Matthew D. Bernstein
Katherine Stinson Otero : A Brief Biography, Lori Ann Overly Burrup
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Desiring Nation: Prostitution, Citizenship, and Modernity in Cuba, 1840-1920, Tiffany A. Thomas-Woodward
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
The History of the Sevilleta Land Grant and in the First Person: Oral Histories from La Joya de Sevilleta "The Jewel of the Sevilleta", Ramona L. Rand-Caplan
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Man Who Tamed Mexico's Tiger: General Joaquin Amaro and the Professionalization of Mexico's Revolutionary Army, Robert Carriedo
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Hidden Heritage: Pueblo Indians, National Parks, and the Myth of the "Vanishing Anasazi", Joseph Owen Weixelman
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
"There's No Business Like UFO Business": How the Cold War, Popular Culture, and Roswell, New Mexico Combined in the Development of UFO-Related Tourism, Courtney A. Collie
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Native Spiritual Paths: Native American Bible College Graduates, 1911-2000, Nancy Jill Howard
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
From Termination to Self-Determination: American Indians and Alaska Natives in Higher Education, Jerry A. Davis
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Roots of the New Mexico Women's Movement: Missionaries and the New Mexico Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Clare Denise O'Leary-Siemer
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The Spirit of Hidalgo: The Mexican Revolution in Coahuila, 1910-1915, Suzanne B. Pasztor
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
The Fight For Indian Voting Rights In New Mexico, Carol A. Venturini
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
"All is not dead here in the desert": The Development of Albuquerque's Organized Gay Community, Daniel L. Evans
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
The immigrant experience in Albuquerque, 1880-1920, Judith Boyce DeMark
"For the best interests of the community": the origins and impact of the women's suffrage movement in New Mexico, 1900-1930, Janine A. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Wartime Problems of American Railroads, 1939-1945, Walter Lawrence McMurtry
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Empire And Opposition: Class, Ethnicity And Ideology In The Mine-Mill Union Of Grant County, New Mexico, Jack Cargill
Mexicans, Labor, And Strife In Arizona, 1896-1917, Michael E. Casillas
Concepción Arenal And The Social Gospel, Charlotte Lazear Cutter
Imagen Tradicional Y Realidad De La Mujer Argentina (1810-1920), Nilsa Cvitanovic
Dwight Morrow's Role In The Mexican Revolution: Good Neighbor Or Meddling Yankee?, Richard Melzer
Boaz Walton Long: Our Latin American Connection, Jean Ridling Padilla
Union Activity In The Gallup Mines, 1933-1935, Harry Richard Rubenstein
Mothers and Daughters in Nineteenth Century America: Ideology, Experience and Legacy, Nancy Marlene Theriot
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
The Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux 1944-1970, Michael Lee Lawson
The Search for Trade and Profits in Bourbon Colombia, 1765-1777, Miklos Pogonyi
Indian Revolts in Northern New Spain, 1680-1786, A Comparative Analysis, Roberto Mario Salmón
Clair Engle and the Politics of California Reclamation, 1943-1960, Stephen Paul Sayles
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The Mexican Woman: A Study of Her Participation in the Revolution, 1910-1940, Shirlene Ann Soto
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Edward W. Wynkoop, Frontiersman, William Charles Bennett Jr.
Glenn L. Emmons Of Gallup, Debra R. Boender
Manuel Alvarez, Empire Builder Of The Southwest, Thomas E. Chavez
The Michigan Agricultural Frontier: Southeastern Region, 1820-1860, Raymond LaBounty Puffer
Spruille Braden: A Political Biography, Shirley N. Rawls
The Nationalization Of The Petroleum Industry In Spain, 1927-1929, Adrian Shubert
The Kiowa Tribe And Inter-Tribal Relations On The Southern Plains, Stephen Zimmer
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
General Wesley Merritt: Nineteenth Century Cavalryman, Don Edward Alberts
The Economic Development Of The Hispanic California Missions, Robert Reid Archibald
Jorge Ubico and Guatemalan Politics in the 1920's, Joseph A. Pitti
United States Acquisition of the Spanish Borderlands: Problems and Legacy, Ralph A. Rowley
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Alessandria In The World Of The Lombard Communes (1168-1250)., Albert A. Benzie
The Fall Of The Bourgeoisie: Cuba, 1959-1961, Alfred L. Padula Jr.
Providence and Progress: Richard Price's Idea of Progress, George Marshall Reynolds
American Diplomacy and the Mexican Oil Controversy, 1938-1943, Jeremiah J. Ring
The New Mexico Supreme Court, 1910-1970: Politics and the Legal Community, Susan Ann Roberts
Business Practices of the Cely Family, L. Stanley Tinder Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Pedro De Cevallos And The Luso-Spanish Struggle In The Rio De La Plata (1750-1778)., George L. Archuleta
El Viaje De Don Antonio De Pineda Por Territorios Mexicanos, Raquel Limon Castillo
Haciendas De Jalisco Y AledañOs:Fincas Rusticas De AntañO, 1506-1821, Ricardo Lanster-Jones
Black Response to Anti-Semitism: Negroes and Jews in New York, 1880 to World War II, Isabel Boiko Price
The Egyptian Question and the Triple Alliance, 1884-1904, Calvin Alexander Roberts
El Sur de Jalisco y Su Importancia en la Historia de Mexico, J. de Jesús Toscano Moreno
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Naval Construction and Repair at San Blas, Mexico, 1767-1797, Malcolm Hall Kenyon
The Chamizal Tract and the Mexican American Border, Noel Alex Thoisy Norwick
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Taos Indians and the Blue Lake Controversy, Ronald P. Archibeck
A Study Of United States-Chilean Relations, 1913 To 1918, Charles Dimke
Spain and Dos de Mayo, John P. Lewis
History and Development of National Park Legislation in Mexico 1917-1961, István György Maurer
The New Deal In New Mexico; Changes In State Government And Politics 1926-1938., William Hickman Pickens