History ETDs
Publication Date
In my dissertation, 'Crow History 1700 — 1950: A Political and Social Battle to Retain their Culture,' I argue that the Social and Familial Kinship system utilized by the Crow is unique, and helped the Crows to preserve much of their Culture throughout the turbulent times of direct contact and assimilation. In this research I examine the movement of the Crows from eastern woodlands onto the Northern Plains, with an emphasis on the separation from the parent tribe. I argue the Crow purposely create a new and unique maternally based social and familial kinship system because of the separation from the parent tribe resulting in the formation of the modern day Crow Nation. During the period of European Contact, I explore the interaction of the Crow with the various newcomers such as the Sioux and the Europeans, and argue that the Crow lived within the world of the Plains Indians, but also adapted to new world thrust upon them by the Europeans. Because of the social and familial system, the Crows were able to survive the assaults, both physically and socially which were intended to exterminate the Crow from the Northern Plains. The areas of critical examination include the various treaties, the late reservation period, and events that helped to retain the Culture of the Crow such as tribal politics and gatherings such as Crow Fair. My main argument is that the Crow reacted to major events in Crow history according to their social-familial system, and as a result, made significant choices resulting in the survival of the Crow Nation. Because the Crow were able to conceptualize their world completely, they reacted accordingly which helped them to continue to remain a strong and unique nation among many nations.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
McCleary, Timothy P.
Second Committee Member
Connell-Szasz, Margaret
Third Committee Member
Ball, Durwood
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Big Man, Alden Jr.. "Crow History 1700-1950: A Political and Social Battle to Retain their Culture." (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/7