Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-15-2024


This thesis presents a comparative analysis of language dynamics in two distinct contexts: the Tres Fronteras region, where Spanish and Portuguese intersect, and Cauca, Colombia, where Namtrik and Spanish coexist. Through qualitative research methods including interviews and ethnographic observations, the study examines the roles of these languages in shaping social interactions, cultural identities, and community dynamics.

By exploring language use patterns, attitudes, and policies in these regions, the thesis seeks to uncover similarities and differences in the ways Spanish, Portuguese, and Namtrik influence individuals' sense of belonging and cultural expression. Furthermore, the study examines the impact of historical, social, and political factors on language maintenance and shift in these diverse linguistic landscapes.

Findings from this research contribute to our understanding of language diversity and identity construction in borderlands and indigenous communities. The insights gained can inform language policy and educational initiatives aimed at promoting linguistic inclusivity and cultural preservation in multicultural societies.

Degree Name

Portuguese (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Jessica Carey-Webb

Second Committee Member

Eva Rodriguez Gonzalez

Third Committee Member

Damian Vergara Wilson




Linguistics, languages in contact, indigenous languages, Namtrik, Spanish, Portuguese

Document Type

