Music ETDs
Publication Date
Salvation Triptych is a three movement composition for choir, winds, strings, and percussion. The texts include the traditional Kyrie and two Christian texts from the 4th-5th Centuries: The Word of the Cross by Paulinus of Nola (trans. Helen Waddell) and two stanzas from a hymn by Ambrose of Milan. Movement I: Kyrie involves the greatest musical forces (SATB choir, flute, oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, violin I and II, viola, cello, bass, timpani, gong, chimes, and wood block). Due to the brevity of the text, the choir entries are relatively short and temporally separated, allowing this longest of the movements to unfold slowly and organically. Movement II: The Word of the Cross is for SSAATTBB a cappella and is sectional, corresponding tonally and structurally to the changing thoughts and emotions of the text. Movement III: Jesu labantes respice is the most intimate of the movements, for baritone soloist accompanied by alto flute, oboe, bass clarinet, cello, and bass. The lyric contrapuntal setting draws to a conclusion on a solitary fading pitch, reflecting resolution and patient expectation.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Hermann, Richard
Second Committee Member
Ellingboe, Bradley
Third Committee Member
Obermueller, Karola
Fourth Committee Member
Steinbach, Falko
salvation, triptych, kyrie, cross, jesu, labantes, respice, paulinus, ambrose, cantata
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Bakken, Jeremy. "Salvation Triptych." (2013). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/9