Music ETDs
Publication Date
This manuscript is a collection of musical compositions written by Micah Hood while a graduate student at the University of New Mexico. Each musical work fulfills a composition portfolio requirement as stated in the 2012 — 2013 Music Theory/Composition Student Handbook: a piece with large orchestration, a piece featuring the voice, a piece featuring electronics, and a collaborative piece. Hood's composition portfolio contains original visual art, synopses and musical scores. The pieces featured in the portfolio are Hood's Concerto for Trombone, String Orchestra, Percussion, and Piano: Movement I - Introduction, Ostinato and Fugue, Kyrie for mixed choir and organ, Two Improvisations with Christian Pincock, Depravity — Estancia in collaboration with Ursula Coyote and Rodney Gurule, and Deep Calls to Deep for two pianos.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Obermueller, Karola
Second Committee Member
White, Richard
Third Committee Member
Gilbert, Peter
Music, Composition, Visual Art, Piano, Liturgical Music, Organ, Choir, Improvisation, Installation, Trombone, Orchestra, Percussion
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hood, Micah. "Micah J. Hood - Selected Musical Works from 2011-2013." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/11