Music ETDs
Publication Date
Composition Portfolio is a collection of four music compositions that were written during my time spent at the University of New Mexico. A Spotless Moon is for B-flat clarinet, cello, piano, and percussion. The piece uses a pitch structure based on the (01267) pitch-class set along with added color tones to otherwise exposed tritones and open perfect fifths. It features the use of specific gestures and perceiving them in different ways and combinations. The gestures include dynamic swells, exploring rough/noisy articulations, and types of both regular and irregular tremolos. Daydream is a large work for wind ensemble that focuses on non-metrical placement of musical gestures and lines. It was originally conceived as a multitrack recording of multiple melodic lines, then transcribed for a large ensemble. Mindfulness, for orchestra, explores instrumental timbres through aleatory performance of indicated pitches and rhythm. Musical gestures and events are controlled by a conductor who cues when each new event is to occur. The pitch material frequently uses all twelve pitch-classes simultaneously, as well as the use of quarter-tones in the strings. Stratosphere, for fixed media, SATB, and strings, is written in graphic notation with performers relying on cues from the ensemble and a conductor for the piece to move forward through time. The text is an anonymous poem called Amergin, published in The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse, published in 1917. The piece includes five layers for string instruments. The piece may be performed by any number of string players on any type of stringed instrument.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Music
First Committee Member (Chair)
Obermueller, Karola
Second Committee Member
Gilbert, Peter
Composition, pitch-class, musical gestures, aleatory performance, graphic notation, fixed media, Amergin, orchestra, wind ensemble, quarter-tones, SATB, instrumental timbres, articulations
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Elrod, Jonah. "Composition Portfolio." (2013). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/mus_etds/10