HSC Education Days
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In Spring Semester 2020, 28 2nd year DPT students were taking their 3rd in a 3-part series of didactic and lab classes preparing them to work with patients with neurologic dysfunction. Following Spring Break, all in-person classes at UNM were cancelled as a sequelae of COVID-19. Remaining didactic content was completed in an on-line format within 6 weeks. Outstanding psychomotor content was postponed until June 8 when students could return to campus with a maximum of four students plus an instructor in the same room. Prior to COVID-19, labs were divided into 2 groups with 14 students per group. Now there were 8 subgroups of 3 or 4 students per subgroup. Each subgroup trained for 2 hours, two days per week. The instructor staggered the start and worked with 4 subgroups per half day in two different lab spaces using the following schedule: 0-30 mins: instructor lab introduction; 30-50 mins: independent practice; 50-60 mins: break; 60-90 mins: instructor feedback; 90-120 mins: independent practice; 120-130 mins: disinfect space for next group. Unlike the 1:1 clinical education model where one student is paired with one clinical instructor, the collaborative model of clinical education (Rindflesch et al., 2009) used during PT clinical education experiences involves 2 or more students completing a clinical education experience while supervised and educated by one clinical instructor usually in a 2:1 or 3:1 student-to-teacher ratio. In this model, students collaborate with each other, share learning experiences, and adopt the role of teacher in addition to the student role. Benefits of the collaborative model include peer learning, peer support, peer discussion, teamwork skills, and independent learning. Using a modified version of this collaborative model, students successfully completed 1 Skills Check, 1 family training video, 1 OSCE, and 2 practical exams during an 8-week timeframe.
Recommended Citation
Leach, Susan J.. "Development of Psychomotor Skills in Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Students via a Modified Collaborative Model post COVID-19." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/92
Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Students Learning Together during COVID.
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.