"Creating and Implementing an Anesthesiology Selective Rotation in the " by Christine H. Teng, Daniel Pitcher et al.

HSC Education Days

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Introduction: Anesthesia is poorly understood and underestimated as a career choice for graduating medical students in the United States. In 2019, 25 of 151 LCME accredited medical schools reported an average of 1.7 required weeks of anesthesia. Currently, University of New Mexico (UNM) Phase II medical students have less than one mandatory week of anesthesia and do not have the option to select anesthesia as an elective for any core clerkships. Objectives: Familiarize UNM third-year medical students with the field of anesthesiology by creating a phase II elective rotation. Students would benefit from the opportunity to have protected time to explore their interests and develop a better understanding of the specialty and perioperative medicine. Methods and Materials: A two-week anesthesiology elective was designed during the mandatory surgery clerkship. Formal overall goals, objectives, and expectations for the selective was established and distributed to students prior to starting the rotation. An assessment card to evaluate student participation and understanding was developed and will be collected at the end of the rotation. Results: A two-week anesthesiology selective was implemented in the UNM School of Medicine Phase II curriculum. Clinicals will take place at UNM Hospital and begin November 9th, 2020. Currently, 75% occupancy is met with the first Class of 2022 surgical cohort group. Discussion and Conclusion: The class of 2022 medical students showed interest and elected to participate in the selective. Students will have the opportunity to work with anesthesiologist attendings and residents in simulation sessions, clinical, and operating room settings. Next steps include creating pre- and post- selective surveys to assess student evaluation of the curriculum and interest in pursuing a career in anesthesia. Incorporation of faculty and student feedback will facilitate creating an optimal educational experience for future UNM medical students.


Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Assessing and Shaping Students' Professional Development.

This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.



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