HSC Education Days
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The Care Calls Initiative was developed by the UNM HSC Office for Community Health (OCH) in partnership with the NM Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD), to help reduce a backlog of nearly 18,000 requests from older adults and people with disabilities in need of supportive services through ALTSD. The OCH has been coordinating a team of volunteers to make calls to community members who are awaiting services. One effect of the pandemic, has been that clinical opportunities have been limited and somewhat tenuous for nursing students. Two faculty from the College of Nursing joined the Care Calls Initiative and enlisted 80 nursing students to participate in making calls. Each week a group of twelve nursing students made calls for a total of 8 hours per week; with faculty present via a zoom platform to oversee the calls and troubleshoot any questions. To date the nursing students have called 2500 individuals. The students were able to obtain clinical hours and meet the clinical learning objectives through their calls activity. The calls activity included a guided group debrief by faculty after each session of calls. The students obtained a valuable educational experience through making the calls, learning about the impact of social determinants of health and assessment of population health needs of individuals across the state of New Mexico. The Poster will describe the Care Calls Initiative, collaborative partnership, clinical experience and learning outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Camden, Kelly; Bolajoko Enemchukwu; Maggie June; Loren Kelly; Francisco Ronquillo; and LeeAnn Vargas. "Innovations in Community Clinical Education." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/78
Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Learning and sharing COVID knowledge.
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.