HSC Education Days
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The Division of Physical Therapy has offered an elective Medical Spanish course to all 2nd year doctoral students for the last 10 years. The curriculum was recently re‐designed to meet the needs of DPT students who have various levels of linguistic proficiency and to incorporate physical therapy‐specific experiential learning. The students in the course self‐identified as beginner, intermediate, or advanced Spanish speakers with general guidance from the instructor. The students were heterogeneously paired by ability so that advanced and beginner students worked together and homogenously paired so that intermediate level students worked together during the clinically‐based experiential lab sessions. Additionally, the curriculum was flipped with pre‐class assignments that introduced students to vocabulary and physical therapy‐specific “frases útiles” (useful phrases) that focused on common evaluation and intervention interactions. The class time was dedicated to case‐based, role‐playing lab sessions that allowed students to apply Spanish content while conducting components of a physical assessment or implementing a therapeutic intervention. Each student was provided with the opportunity to role‐play as the patient and as the physical therapist during the simulated interactions. Experiential learning activities included gait training, exercise instruction, and components of the physical examination including manual muscle testing, range of motion and balance assessment in Spanish. Summative course evaluations indicated an increase student satisfaction with the changes to the course design.
Recommended Citation
Vallejo, Rose. "Incorporating a Flipped Classroom in a Medical Spanish Course Designed with Role-Playing Experiential Learning." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/74
Poster presentation program - Including round tables by topics: Community and Cultural Competency.
This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.