HSC Education Days
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Background/Introduction: Our faculty have identified gaps in our curriculum related to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI), which is important as this aligns with our CON values, including respect, integrity, diversity, and inclusion. With use of in-house grant funds, JEDI Paw was born to begin a community of practice. There are four major approaches described in the literature for working with racial bias in educational settings and JEDI Paw will address the first two: 1) raising awareness of how implicit biases influence health outcomes and how we counter these in ourselves; 2), engaging empathy and understanding through a broad holistic experiential approach to understanding others. (Gordon, 2019). Methods or Intervention/Procedure: Partner with existing faculty support programs (Center for Teaching and Learning and CON Instructional Designers), who are identified as experts in JEDI teaching and educational strategies. The content experts will provide JEDI implementation for varied curriculum, and instructional designers, while utilizing their own academic content, as well as the UCSF School of Medicine Guide for Developing Anti-Racism Educational Material and incorporate validated measures from the Antiracism Behavioral Inventory (ARBI) tool to evaluate faculty levels of awareness and advocacy for integration of JEDI and antiracism curriculum concepts. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Academic nursing must address structural racism, systemic and institutional inequity, and discrimination in how nurses are prepared. Faculty are called to critically evaluate policies, processes, curricula, and structures for homogeneity, classism, color-blindness, and non-inclusive environments. We believe this project will prepare our students to become the leaders that will have the knowledge and tools necessary to address become leaders that will address the social and structural determinants of health in New Mexico.
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Lisa M.; Adreanne L. Cordova; Robin A. Gatlin; Delsie Morrison; and Lisa M. Acuff. "Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI): From the Classroom to serving New Mexico Communities: A Quality Improvement Project." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hsc_ed_day/160
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This presentation was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.