HSC Education Days

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In 2021, the UNM Health Science’s Library and Informatics Center formed a Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. In response to an upset student’s feedback about the lack of menstrual products on campus, one of the first actions of the Committee was to set up a free menstrual product program at the library. After initial research about what other libraries and institutions had done, pads, panty liners, and tampons were placed in all library restrooms. Because the library does not yet have gender neutral restrooms and in support of transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming folks, this included both the women’s and men’s restrooms. This poster presentation will discuss funding possibilities, practical steps for buying, storing, and placing menstrual products in restrooms, and future considerations for the project at the library and beyond.


This poster was presented during the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Days.



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