Special Education ETDs

Publication Date



The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of training of the special education teachers in New Mexico in 1973-74, The certifica­tion files of the New Mexico State Education Depart­ment, Division of Certification were utilized to determine how many teachers were teaching on letters of authority and how many were fully certified.

The state was divided into four areas for comparison. The northeast region had 23.2% of the teachers under letters of authority; the southeast had 23.3% of the teachers under letters of authority; the southwest had 27.8% under letters of authority; and the northwest had 29.7% under letters of authority. A total of 16.6% of the teachers were under letters of authority.

In addition the files revealed that 51.9% of the teachers were trained in New Mexico while the rest were trained out of state. Out of state training came mostly from the Southwest United States.

The conclusion of the study is that as of 1973-74 most teachers have met minimum training standards established by the State Board of Education. No attempt was made to determine how many teachers exceeded the minimum requirements. Also the adequacy of the minimum requirements were not evaluated.

Document Type




Degree Name

Special Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Special Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Glenn Van Etten

Second Committee Member

Roger Lee Kroth

Third Committee Member

John Raymond Rinaldi
