Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
Because educational treatment or educational provision will not always be predicated on etiology, this investigation has sought to provide inquiry into some of the reasons children may deviate. The education of the exceptional child is at times not complete as the cause of the emotional disturbance is not dealt with. The concern of this study is the home from which emotionally disturbed youngsters emanate. When underling reasons for the emotional disturbance have not been handled, often youngsters will deviate and come before the courts. If intervention is imposed in the school setting, but the basic problem has not been managed, the child may respond to the school intervention but may not internalize the desired behavior may be extinguished outside the school setting. The child has responded to the intervention, but has not internalized the behavior so that it may be transferred to another setting.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Richard Lane McDowell
Second Committee Member
Roger Lee Kroth
Third Committee Member
Henry James Pepe
Recommended Citation
Lietzow, Audrey M.. "The Relationship Of Divorce To Recidivism Of Adjudicated Juveniles In Bernalillo County." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/80