Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between academic and social self-concept by means of a self-reporting basis among a sample of teenage boys, ranging from 13 to 18 years, in the New Mexico Boys School. The population was randomly selected from boys placed in the Materials Resource Lab for those functioning in at least one or more deficit areas below the fifth grade level. The diagnostic tests relied upon for placement in the resource lab were the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) and the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT). These boys came from all over the state of New Mexico from predominately Spanish surnamed homes ranging from low to middle income.
Subjects were administered the Piers-Harris Children's SelfConcept Scale and the Target Behavior kit. Data were organized to test the relationship between pre- and post-test in both the academic and social self-concept. For the purpose of simplicity, null hypothesis was stated. The final report is written in data reduction form as opposed to hypothesis testing. It was stated upon beginning this research that there would be no difference between the baseline measure and the post-test measurement.
Upon analyzing the findings it was observed that there was a significant change (p > .05) concerning the social self-concept (Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale). After analyzing the data concerning the academic self-concept (Target Behavior kit), it was discovered that there was no significant change (p < .05), so the null hypothesis was not rejected.
After running an item analysis on the ideal behavior from the student's view, it was discovered that the five favorite ideal goals in the pre-test were: 1) scores high in arithmetic, 2) works until the job is finished, 3) scores high in spelling, 4) gets work done on time, and 5) scores high in reading. In the post-test analysis it was indicated that the top five choices for ideal behavior were: 1) scores high in reading, 2) scores high in arithmetic, 3) works until job is finished, 4) gets work done on time, and 5) scores high in English.
In summary, it was discovered that there was a positive shift in both the academic and social self-concept. However, only the null hypothesis was rejected concerning the social interaction self-concept. The findings did show that there was an interaction between the improvement of academic and social self-concept.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Glenn Van Etten
Second Committee Member
Richard Lane McDowell
Third Committee Member
Roger Lee Kroth
Recommended Citation
Briggs, Edgar Wayne. "Self Reporting Of The Student'S Self-Concept Concerning His Academic And Social Interactions In The Boy'S Correctional Institute Of New Mexico." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/54