Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs
Publication Date
This research attempted to compare, by use of the same instrument for both groups, student and counselor perceptions of how school counselors really function and how they ideally should function. The investigation centered around the appropriateness of the amount of time counselors spent on various duties, and the priority in which students and counselors placed the various counselor duties. The major premise was that the congruence or disparity of perception between students and counselors would be a significant criterion of the impact which counseling services were having upon the students.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Individual, Family, and Community Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Robert Micali
Second Committee Member
Marion Jacob Heisey
Third Committee Member
Ronald Eugene Blood
Recommended Citation
Carroll, Halcyon Hughes. "A Comparison Of How Students And Counselors View The Real And Ideal Functioning Of High School Counselors.." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_ifce_etds/148