This is a photographic dialogue of queer body radical acceptance as told by Adam David Bencomo, a native of Albuquerque, New Mexico and University of New Mexico Alumnus. Photographic images include: Body Positivity, Mer-Bear, Yes, I CAN Do a Handstand - Adam at The Woods Campground, and Hiking with Ben.
Recommended Citation
Bencomo, Adam D.. "My Bearish Life - A Visual Representation of a Queer Subculture." Chamisa: A Journal of Literary, Performance, and Visual Arts of the Greater Southwest 1, 1 (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/chamisa/vol1/iss1/12
Body Positivity by Adam David Bencomo (Photographic Image)
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Mer-Bear by Adam David Bencomo (Photographic Image)
BencomoAdamDavid-003-YesICANdoaHandstand-AdamatTheWoodsCampground.tif (168784 kB)
Yes, I CAN Do a Handstand - Adam at The Woods Campground by Adam David Bencomo (Photographic Image)
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Hiking with Ben by Adam David Bencomo (Photographic Image)