Water Resources Professional Project Reports
Submissions from 2012
Measuring acequia functionality : developing a tool for assessing New Mexico's community-Based irrigation systems, Marcos A. Roybal
Channel rehabilitation to increase aquatic habitat and reestablish floodplain connectivity on the Upper Gila River, Eric Scherff
Suitability assessment of non-potable water resources in the western United States for future thermoelectric cooling needs, Katie Zemlick
Submissions from 2011
Erosion potential of the main branch of the Piedras Marcadas Watershed, Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico, Elaine S. Brouillard
Pharmaceutically active compounds in residential and hospital effluent, municipal wastewater, and the Rio Grande in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Kathryn D. Brown
Identifying barriers to low impact development and green infrastructure in the Albuquerque Area, Katherine LaBadie
Integrating external costs into water utility asset management : an application of the threshold break rate method, Megan Marsee
Past and present solid waste landfills in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Terry Nelson
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in stormwater from the Pajarito Plateau, northern New Mexico., Marwin Shendo
Comparison of two riparian assessment surveys : Proper Functioning Condition and the New Mexico Watershed Watch Riparian Survey, Katherine A. Smith
Analysis of the mixing of treated effluent discharge, surface water and shallow ground water using anionic constituents, Gary Stansifer
An analysis of Navajo Nation snow courses and snowpack data in the Chuska Mountains, Lani Tsinnajinnie
Using polymer ligand films for rapid radiochemical analyses, Crystal L. Tulley-Cordova
Performance of a green roof lysimeter in an arid climate, Rick Young
Submissions from 2010
Surface Water Quality of the Gallinas River in and around Las Vegas, New Mexico, Ron Amato
Evaluating Stormwater Best Management Practices in a Small Urban Watershed, Kerry Gregg Bassore
Cost of Compliance with a Lower Arsenic Drinking Water Standard in New Mexico, Kelly A. Bitner
The Management of Nonpoint Sources of Contamination from the Embudo Watershed in the Vicinity of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Rosemarie Chora
Physical and Legal Aspects of River Rehabilitation; Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, April Fitzner
Regional Scarcity, Andrew Funk
An Environmental Analysis of the Drycleaning Industry:A New Mexico Perspective, Nancy J. Gillard
An assessment of domestic water consumption discrepancies between commercial farms and majengos along South Moi Lake Road, Lake Naivasha, Kenya, Barbara Heemink
Environmental disturbance of oligotrophic bacteria and effects on water quality in deep karstic pools, Andrea Hunter
Selective tree thinning in the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed for water yield augmentation, Uday V. Joshi
Potential Options to Reduce ESA Liability for Private New Mexico Irrigators Who May Be Liable for a Section 9 'Take', Geoffrey T. Klise
Assessment and Preliminary Design of a Water Supply Project for the Village of Altos de la Paz, Honduras, Stephen M. Kolk
Erosion Impacts from Recreation in the Enchanted Tower Climbing Area, New Mexico, Debby Mandeville
Exposure Evaluation of an Aviation Gasoline Release at a Municipal Airport in Central Wisconsin, Nicole L. Marcell
Using Geographic Information Systems to Predict Changes in Water Quality Due to Erosional Processes, A. Pete Martinez
Utility response to drought : business of water management practices and function in view of decreased consumption, Louis Martinez
Urbanization of Seven Springs, New Mexico:An Evaluation of Current and Projected Impacts on Ground- and Surface-Water Resources, William S. McDonald
The Effects of a Prescribed Burn on Streambed Sediments, Macroinvertebrate Assemblages, and Water Quality in the Valle Toledo, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, Jeanine K. McGann
Exploring Flood Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh, Pallab Mozumder
The history of the Federal government's involvement in water resources : an attempt to correct externalities?, Alyssa M. Neir
Volunteer river monitoring plan for the urban reach of the Santa Fe River Watershed, Joy K. O'Neil
Appropriate Erosion Control Techniques for the Rural Hillsides of Honduras, Meaghan O'Rourke
Water resource management strategies : Deschutes Basin, Oregon, Lynne Marie Paretchan
Dynamic Simulation Modeling of Groundwater Basins in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado-New Mexico, Jules Campbell Parrish
Chemistry variation during purging Of alluvial wells At Los Alamos National Laboratory, Eric T. Riebsomer
Chical Area On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Management Pueble of Isleta, New Mexico, Blane M. Sanchez
Comparison of AHYMO and HEC-HMS for Runoff Modeling in New Mexico Urban Watersheds, Gerhard Schoener
Integrating HEC-RAS and ArcView in predicting post wildfire 100-year floodplains on the Pajarito Plateau, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Mark Van Eeckhout
An evaluation of water treatment technologies piloted at LANL to improve cooling tower water efficiency., Patricia Vardaro-Charles
Submissions from 2009
A Case Study of Water Sharing in the San Juan Basin, Sara Henchey Brosnan
Designing a Village Water Supply System In Papua New Guinea: A Case Study in Third World Delopment, Barak Bruerd
A Water Quality Assessment of the Rio Katari River and its Principle Tributaries, Bolivia, Sara M. Chudnoff
Point-of-Use Arsenic Treatment Using Activated Alumina, T. Jeffery Cotter
An Assessment of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions and Water Quality in Bluewater Creek New Mexico, Jan M. Curtis
Nutrient Criteria Recommendations for Eutrophication Management of New Mexico Reservoirs, Heidi R. Henderson
Nitrate Contaminated Groundwater in Albuquerque's South Valley: Is Monitored Natural Attenuation an Appropriate Strategy?, Christina L. Keleher
Preparing Water Users in the Lower Rio Grande for Adjudication Through an Informative Workshop, Leslie R. Kryder
Effects of Bovine Exclosure Fencing on Water Quality and Vegetative Conditions,Bluewater Creek, New Mexico., Darrell Kundargi
Corrective Action Plan for the New Mexico Landfill, Matthew Lane
Potential for Ground-Water Contamination from Deep Well Injection of Produced Waters in the Salt Basin, New Mexico, Melanie L. Luna
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Induced Meandering Within an Incised, Discontinuous Gully System Post Wildfire Within the Valle Vidal, Carson National Forest,New Mexico, Jennifer Montano Allred
Assessment of Conjunctive-Use Strategies for Water Resources Development In The South Valley Area, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Frederic L. Shean Jr.
Submissions from 2008
Watershed Health and Mechanical Fuel Reduction in the Walker Flats, Andrew Erdmann
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leak Detection and the Potential of Real Water Savings for New Mexico Water Systems, Shawn Hardeman
Rural Sustainability Using Rainwater Harvesting: From Rainwater to Tap Water in Alto, New Mexico, Christina Humphries
Multi-Year Investigation of Groundwater - Surface Water Interactions in the Vicinity of the Albuquerque Drinking Water Diversion Dam, Christian LeJeune
Comparison of Predicted and Observed Flood Flows in Pajarito Canyon Following the 2000 Cerro Grande Fire, Jake Meadows
Cost Comparison of Perchlorate Treatment Options, Emma O. Nolan
The Response of Shallow Groundwater Levels to Fuels Reduction in the Middle Rio Grande Bosque, Lynda Price
Surface Water and Ground Water Interactions of the Rio de las Vacas, NM; Characterizing Exchange and Predicting Response Using Thermal Data, Andrew Robertson
Modeling Road Erosion in the Upper Torreon Wash, New Mexico, Krista M. Schultz
Modeling Capture Zones to Determine Potential Threats to the Public Water Supply Wells, Jordan Wollak
Submissions from 2007
Relationship of Forest Thinning and Selected Water Quality Parameters in the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed, New Mexico, Julie D. Arvidson
Fuel Reduction Treatment Effects on Semiarid Woodland Ecohydrology, Krista Bonfantine
Community Management for Improved Sustainability: Case Studies of Three Rural Community Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Honduras, Christine Casey
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Effects of Geothermal Spring Inputs to Jemez River Water Quality, James R. Dyer
Detection of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Rio Grande Basin above Cochiti Dam: Sources & Significance, Anthony D. Edwards
Suggestions for Urban Water Conservation Planning: A New Mexico Perspective, Andrew Funk
The Potential of Water Saving and Water Capturing Innovations: A Case Study of Albuquerque Single Family Homes, Andrew Funk
Using instream flows on the Gila River to provide benefits for the environment and the economy, Emily Geery
Evaluation of Selected Ground Water Abatement Strategies for Two Produced Water Impact Sites, Katharyn M. Lee
Measuring Deep Percolation for an Irrigated Alfalfa Crop in South Central Colorado, Robert W. Phillips
Variables to Consider when Transferring Water Rights in New Mexico, Matthew G. Rawlings
Water Pricing Strategy for the City of Albuquerque's Sustainable Water Use, Hirotaka Sato
Monitoring and Assessment of Sedimentation in Stream Channels of New Mexico, Danielle M. Shuryn
Evaluation of Constructed Wetland Performance in New Mexico, 2007, Jennie R. Skancke
Managing Water Resources in New Mexico: Climate Trends and Cropping Patterns in the Lower Rio Grande, Cynthia Stokes
Will the Minute System Work to Modernize the International Boundary and Water Commission?, Annelia Tinklenberg
Habitat Availability for Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus) Pena Blanca, Rio Grande, New Mexico, Leeanna T. Torres
The Kura-Araks Basin: Obstacles and Common Objectives for an Integrated Water Resources Management Model among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, Berrin Basak Vener
Evaluation of Two Washington State Department of Transportation Stormwater Facilities along State Route 18 Highway, Sherry L. Weber
Submissions from 2002
Taking out the jacks : issues of jetty jack removal in bosque and river restoration planning, Kathy Grassel
Submissions from 2001
Erosion study in Tajique watershed, Gretchen Newman
Submissions from 2000
Water Supply Sustainability Through Water Banking, Linda I. Gordan
Issues in Managing Erosion: The Spring Timber Sale Case Study El Rito Tanger District, Carson National Forest, New Mexico, Neil W. Gray
Estimates of Radionuclide Loading to Cochiti Lake from Los Alamos Canyon Using Manual and Automated Sampling, Christopher T. McLean
Submissions from 1999
Coordinated Water Resource Planning for the Sandia Basin - A Perspective into Regional Water Planning Needs, Jeffrey L. Peterson