Water Resources Professional Project Reports
Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
The need for innovative water saving and water capturing strategies in Albuquerque single family homes (SFH) is evident by the citys vulnerability to drought, climate change and population growth. The intrinsic value of modern innovations is that they offer the potential to produce the largest, most cost effective and environmentally sound alternative source of water required to meet current and future demand. Moreover, recognizing the intimate relationship between water use and the energy consumed in conveyance, treatment, end uses and waste treatment, allows policy makers to meet water and energy use reduction goals simultaneously, as well as enhance water and energy security opportunity for current and future populations. Three innovations were examined to demonstrate the potential water, energy and monetary savings possible for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Department and its single family home customers. The usage of these three innovations was projected to 2030 and their associated benefits discussed with regard to their potential for generating future opportunity. Two in-home innovations, the dual-flush toilet and the Shower Water Conservation System (SWCS), the latter an innovation designed by the author of this report, Andrew Funk, as well as one exterior innovation, rain water harvesting, were analyzed for their potential alternative source water production, and energy and monetary savings. Using water saving and water capturing innovations in Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Department single family homes offers access to a significant volume of least cost alternative source water. These types of innovations empower the water utility and its customers to use water and energy resources more efficiently, save money and further decrease Albuquerque's reliance on groundwater, better equipping the City to manage future drought, climate change and population growth.
Language (ISO)
Water conservation, Rain water harvesting, Dual-flush toilet, Shower Water Conservation System (SWCS)
Recommended Citation
Funk, Andrew. "The Potential of Water Saving and Water Capturing Innovations: A Case Study of Albuquerque Single Family Homes." (2007). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wr_sp/44
A Professional Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Water Resources, University of New Mexico