Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date



It has been my purpose in this guide to make the literary world of the Cuban Modernist Julian del Casal more accessible to readers and thereby render more pleasurable and comprehensible his poetry: to this end I have attempted to identify all persons, places, and literary references in his poetical works. I have also included a brief synopsis of each poem and its metrical form. The Introduction has been provided to give the reader a general description of the poet's work and life in order to illuminate those subjective elements that might otherwise prove obscure. In the guide itself, each reference is accompanied by its source, given in brackets. The first reference is to the collection, if applicable; the second to the poem itself; the third to the section (if applicable, given in Roman numerals), paragraph, and line (both given in Arabic numerals). Thus the guide can be used with any edition of Casal's poems.

Degree Name

Spanish (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Ned J. Davison

Second Committee Member

Tamara Holzapfel

Third Committee Member

Marshall Rutherford Nason



Document Type

