Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date



The various novel of Bernardo Guimaraes, written for the moot part during the thirty-year period 1853-1884, are in many respects typical reflections of the literary currents then prevalent in Brazil. In topic and treatment Guimarães’ work reflected the popular taste and differed little from the work of his contemporaries. It was only in the Indianist works, A voz do pagé and, to a lesser extent in the work in which the Indians figured ae minor characters, that Guimarães’ introduced an element unique in Brazilian literature of the time. This unique element was a detailed description of the macbre and a taste for the morbid and gruesome. In this one respect, Bernardo Guimarães’ was divorced from the traditional and contemporary Brazilian literature and more united with the beginnings of the European school of Naturalism and with the eighteenth century writer of whom the Marquis de Sade [1740-1814] is typical.

Degree Name

Portuguese (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Silviano Santiago

Second Committee Member


Third Committee Member

Albert Richard Lopes



Document Type

