Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date



It always seems wise to review the life of a great author before attempting to analyze his work. However, the usual listing of important dates in the author's life, places of residence, travels, positions held, schooling, and circumstances of death, does not capture the true relationship between the personality of the man and his creative works. This is especially true in the case of don Ramón del Valle Iclán, whose strong personality eludes the student in a generalized factual description of his life. He was born of noble family Galicia in 1866, studied three years of law, lived a Bohemian seignorial life alternately in Madrid and Galicia. He travelled to Mexico, Buenos Aires, Italy and France. He married Josefina Blanco, an actress, in 1907 and divorced her in 1932 for reasons into which biographers prefer not to pry. The great man returned to his beloved Galicia to die in 1936.

Degree Name

Spanish (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Robert Manly Duncan

Second Committee Member

Donald Alexander McKenzie

Third Committee Member




Document Type

