Speech and Hearing Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-23-2020
The aims of this project were to accurately measure and describe speech characteristics of professional fighters; and to analyze the future potential of using speech characteristics as biomarkers for acquired neurogenic decline or chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The Professional Fighters Brain Health Study (PFBHS) is a longitudinal project investigating the effect of repeated head trauma in professional combatants. The PFBHS provided recorded speech samples for this project. This study measured accurate speech characteristics of 102 professional boxers and mixed martial artists and compared these results to a group of 27 age-matched healthy controls. Analysis revealed a significant difference in articulation rate between fighters and controls. Additionally, fighters produced more frequent interruptions in the forward flow of speech such as pauses and disfluencies. Clinical implications of this project include a better understanding of the speech symptoms associated with acquired neurogenic decline, or CTE.
Degree Name
Speech-Language Pathology
Level of Degree
Department Name
Speech and Hearing Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Amy Neel, Ph.D.
Second Committee Member
Jessica Richardson, Ph.D.
Third Committee Member
Rick Arenas, Ph.D.
Speech characteristics, professional fighters, acoustic measures, repeated head injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, CTE
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Krasilshchikova, Sofiya; Amy Neel Ph.D.; Jessica Dawn Richardson Ph.D.; Rick Arenas Ph.D.; Lauren Bennett Ph.D.; Sarah Banks Ph.D.; and Charles Bernick Ph.D.. "Speech Characteristics of Professional Fighters." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/shs_etds/27