Political Science ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-12-2020


Due to changes in technology and individual behavior, survey methods for obtaining nationally representative public opinion survey data have changed dramatically. Survey methodologists increasingly rely on online survey panels. The data obtained from these panels is increasingly accepted as reliable for cross-sectional research designs, in part because these online survey panel samples are demographically representative on observable variables. However, over time the experience of panelists approximates a panel survey design.

This dissertation explores two concerns related to online survey panel data, (1) panel conditioning and the advent of a professional class of survey takers I call professional respondents, and (2) panel attrition. In addition, there is a proliferation of publicly available survey data due to the relatively low costs of online survey panel data. To increase access to and transparency of these types of data, I also examine new tools to organize complex data sets.

Degree Name

Political Science

Level of Degree


Department Name

Political Science

First Committee Member (Chair)

Lonna Atkeson

Second Committee Member

Wendy Hansen

Third Committee Member

Cherie Maestas

Fourth Committee Member

R. Michael Alvarez



Document Type

