Political Science ETDs

Publication Date



This survey is a study of the forces and pressures which have made the Game and Fish Department what it is today.

The purpose of the study was to find out why the operation of the Department was unique as compared to other departments of the State. Elliott S. Barker has been at his job for nineteen years and 4 months. More than 50% of the personnel has been with him for ten or more years, or since they were first hired. It is a nationally respected Department in its field, and is operated in a smooth and efficient manner.

The writer used two principal methods of research to locate the reason for this phenomenon in New Mexico politics. These methods were the interview and legal research. Questionnaires, library research, and personal observation were relied heavily upon.

Degree Name

Political Science

Level of Degree


Department Name

Political Science

First Committee Member (Chair)

Howard Johnstone McMurray

Second Committee Member

Miguel Jorrín

Third Committee Member

Charles Burnet Judah



Document Type

