The Office of Scholarly Communication supports research and collaboration for UNM faculty and students in so many ways. In this gallery you will find examples of some of our current projects; we hope this will spark ideas of how we can support your work.
- Conference and Event Management: Get a custom Web site for your event, complete with submission management tools, schedule publication, paper archiving, and streaming video of presentations.
- Digital Exhibits: DISC works with faculty and researchers to develop online exhibits for student collaborations, resource sharing, and more. For an example, please see And Yet She Persisted: Women at UNM and Across New Mexico.
- Open Educational Resources: Make your textbooks, articles, and course materials freely available in UNM's Digital Repository—and get usage reports!
- Open Access Journal Publishing: The repository supports custom journal landing pages, submission and peer review management tools, and online publication. We can also provide article DOIs.
- Data Sharing and Archiving: Get support to manage, share, and preserve your data.
- University of New Mexico Press: Respected publisher of scholarly monographs in many humanities disciplines.
Please see below for more information and examples of OSC services.
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Navigating and Searching UNM's Digital Repository
Amy E. Winter MPA
A short video on navigating and searching the digital repository. Transcript available via the download button.
UNM's Digital Repository: Logging In and Submitting Work
Amy E. Winter MPA
A short video on logging in and submitting work to UNM's Digital Repository. Transcript available via download button.
Conference and Event Management
Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
UNM's Digital Repository supports custom-designed full-featured websites with a complete set of user submission and peer review tools. Via the site, conference organizers can:
- accept a wide variety of materials (abstracts, papers, posters, presentations, meeting minutes);
- review, accept or reject submissions;
- and create an online display of the conference information -- location, date, start and end time, and abstract -- in a chronological view similar to a conference program or schedule.
Full papers can be added after the conference with author permission. If video is created of conference presentations, it can be hosted on UNM's servers and set up to stream within the conference page, creating a permanent online record of the proceedings.
Contact DISC for more information!
Data Sharing and Archiving
Research Data Services
The Libraries' Research Data Services (RDS) are available to provide data sharing information and assistance to researchers who are interested in open data or need to share data in compliance with federal and other sponsor requirements.
In addition to making datasets publicly available through the Libraries' Digital Commons repository, RDS provide support for metadata documentation, file format migration, and preservation and archiving services.
The research data lifecycle image is credited to the University of Sydney:
Digital Exhibits
Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
Digital exhibits can include historical artifacts, analytical works, and collaborative classroom projects in a variety of configurations and file types.
DISC supports researchers, faculty and students in creating and curating online exhibits using the repository and UNM's Omeka installation.
Open-Access Journal Publishing
Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
UNM's Digital Repository provides a publishing platform which combines a custom-designed website with submission management, editorial, and peer-review tools in a flexible, cloud-based solution. DISC can help you get your journal up and running, and provide training in using the tools to make journal management easier. DISC can also host archival issues of discontinued journals.
Open Educational Resources
Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
Textbooks, articles, syllabi, and other scholarly content can be made freely available in UNM’s Digital Repository. When faculty provide open access to their academic material, readers can view the content online without purchasing a textbook or paying a subscription fee.
Contact DISC for more information!
UNM Press
University of New Mexico Press
Established in 1929 by the Regents of the University of New Mexico, UNM Press is a well-known and respected publisher in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, indigenous studies, Latin American studies, American studies, Chicana/o studies, art, architecture, and the history, literature, ecology, and cultures of the American West. The Press imprint is overseen by a faculty committee, whose twelve members are appointed by the Faculty Senate to represent a broad spectrum of university departments.
With well over one thousand titles in print, UNM Press also serves as distributor for other local and regional publishers and is an important element in enhancing the scholarly reputation and worldwide visibility of its host university.
University of New Mexico Press participates in the Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Program.